CHAIRMAN RIEGER introduced CSHB 136(FIN) (DRUNK DRIVING AND BREATH TEST OFFENSES) as the next order of business. REPRESENTATIVE ELDON MULDER, prime sponsor of HB 136, said the Sentencing Commission report called for alternative sentencing for individuals convicted of DWI's, but it left open what, in fact, they wanted or desired. In working with the Department of Corrections, the Department of Law, Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) and the Department of Public Safety, HB 136 was crafted. It provides that those individuals convicted of DWI would serve their time in half-way homes, they would be required to pay for their time in half-way homes, and while they are in half-way homes, they will be required to do community service. The provision applies to those individuals convicted for the first and second time. Representative Mulder said that it is estimated that over a period of time the legislation will save the state a substantial amount of money, and it will also diminish the backlog which currently exists in relation to people waiting to serve their time. HB 136 also restricts the issuance of limited licenses and provides that only after a first DWI is an individual allowed to make application for a limited license. Currently, an individual convicted of DWI is eligible to apply for a limited license up to the sixth conviction. CHAIRMAN RIEGER referred to page 6, line 14, and asked for the reasoning for having a uniform average cost of imprisonment rather than having direct costs. REPRESENTATIVE MULDER answered that if there is not a half-way house or CRC established within a community, the commissioner can make allowance for designating another facility which is appropriate. The costs throughout the state are going to vary tremendously, and it was determined that in order to be equitable and fair that there be an average cost so that one person would not pay a greater cost than another person. Chairman Rieger then referred to page 6, line 13 and the language "varying levels of restrictions," which he thought was too broad, and he suggested changing the phrase to "provides a restrictive environment." Representative Mulder stated that he would have no problem with making that change. JUANITA HENSLEY, Division of Motor Vehicles, Department of Public Safety, noted that she was present to respond to questions regarding the limited licenses portion of the bill. Number 260 CHAIRMAN RIEGER moved that on page 6, line 13 and on page 7, line 13, delete the phrase "varying levels of restriction" and replace them with "a restrictive environment." Hearing no objection, the motion carried. SENATOR MILLER moved that SCS CSHB 136(HES), along with the accompanying fiscal notes, be passed out of committee with individual recommendations. Hearing no objection, it was so ordered.