CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 111(FIN) "An Act relating to the practice of dental hygiene; relating to advanced practice permits for dental hygienists; relating to dental assistants; prohibiting unfair discrimination under group health insurance against a dental hygienist who holds an advanced practice permit; relating to medical assistance for dental hygiene services; and providing for an effective date." 4:56:44 PM CHELSEA WARD-WALLER, STAFF, REPRESENTATIVE IVY SPONHOLTZ, introduced the legislation. Senator von Imhof discussed the two fiscal notes. Senator von Imhof MOVED to REPORT SCS CSHB 111(L&C) out of committee with individual recommendations and attached fiscal notes. SCS CSHB 111(L&C) was REPORTED out of committee with five "do pass" recommendations and two no recommendations, and with two previously published fiscal notes: FN 3(CED), FN 4(DHS).