SENATE BILL NO. 29 "An Act extending the termination date of the Board of Marine Pilots; and providing for an effective date." 9:03:54 AM DAVID SCOTT, STAFF, SENATOR BERT STEDMAN, introduced the bill. Senator Shower queried the reason for a separate Board, and requested the authority if there were no Marine Board of Pilots. Co-Chair von Imhof stated that Ms. Curtis may provide more information on the general purpose on the boards. Mr. Scott replied that if the bill did not go through, there would be a one-year winddown of the Board. The Division of Corporations, Business, and Professional license would take over that role. 9:07:45 AM KRIS CURTIS, LEGISLATIVE AUDITOR, ALASKA DIVISION OF LEGISLATIVE AUDIT, addressed the question by Senator Shower about the need for the Board. Senator Shower wondered whether the Board was needed in the broader sense, and wondered who would execute the needs in the event of Board elimination. Ms. Curtis replied that it was a federal requirement that required that every foreign and U.S. flagged vessels engaged in international trade or moving in the state's waters was required to use the services of a state-licensed pilot. She stated that the question about a board required to license those individuals was a question for policy makers. Ms. Curtis explained the audit. Senator Micciche remarked that the Boards were self- sustaining, and required thousands of hours of volunteer work that the department would have to pay for without the Boards. Ms. Curtis noted that there was a statute that required that the Division of Corporations, Business, and Professional Licensing set the board fees at such a rate that it covered the cost of regulation. Co-Chair von Imhof remarked that Ms. Chambers could provide further information. She remarked that there was a standard formats in the audits, and the table of contents showed the standard format. She remarked that as there would be more board extensions, the committee members would get used to what, why, and how the decisions were determined. Ms. Curtis shared that the reports began with an organization and function to address the board's composition and duties. She remarked that there was also information about the board budget. 9:16:49 AM CHARLES WARD, MARINE PILOTS COORDINATOR, DIVISION OF CORPORATIONS, BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL LICENSING, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE, COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, introduced himself. Senator Bishop announced that he had heard the bills in the Senate Labor and Commerce Committee. Co-Chair von Imhof OPENED public testimony. Co-Chair von Imhof CLOSED public testimony. Co-Chair Stedman noted that an incident in the Gastineau Channel would block other vessels. He stressed the seriousness of the matter. He also pointed to the very large vessels that travel through the waters near Alaska. He felt that it was important to continue to have qualified pilots in the water to minimize potential incidents. Senator Micciche pointed out that March was the thirtieth anniversary of the Exxon Valdez, and there would have been a different outcome if the regulations that required a pilot to be on board until the passing the narrows. The regulations stabilized the skillset of everyone bringing a vessel into the ports. Senator Shower looked at the budget, and wondered what was driving the budget surplus. 9:21:22 AM SARA CHAMBERS, DIRECTOR, DIVISION OF CORPORATIONS, BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL LICENSING, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE, COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, remarked that she was impressed at the ability and awareness to explain her work at the committee. She provided an overview of the boards. 9:25:38 AM Co-Chair von Imhof wondered how many boards were in the department. Ms. Chambers replied that the Governor's Office of Boards and Commissions was the appointing authority for all state boards and commissions. There were 21 in the division that she managed, and there were over a hundred total statewide boards and commissions. Ms. Chambers discussed the fiscal note. Co-Chair von Imhof announced that amendments were due by 5pm on Monday, March 4. SB 29 was HEARD and HELD in committee for further consideration.