SENATE BILL NO. 141 "An Act relating to vehicle registration fees for members of the Alaska National Guard." 11:43:01 AM SENATOR BILL WIELECHOWSKI, explained the legislation. He stated that the act would waive vehicle registration fees for active members of the Alaska National Guard. There are approximately 4,000 Alaskans serving in the Alaska Army Guard and the Alaska Air Guard. He felt that their dedication and service were greatly appreciated, and the Guard provided support to the state and local governments with fire suppression, flood management, and other emergency services. Currently, Guard members receive free hunting and fishing licenses, and other limited benefits. Vice-Chair Fairclough stated that written testimony could be submitted to the Senate Finance Committee by sending it to Vice-Chair Fairclough CLOSED public testimony. SB 141 was HEARD and HELD in committee for further consideration. 11:45:30 AM AT EASE 11:45:42 AM RECONVENED 11:46:06 AM RECESSED 5:08:55 PM RECONVENED