10:51:34 AM CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 243(FIN) "An Act relating to the financial plan for the intertie between the Swan Lake and Tyee Lake hydroelectric projects; and providing for an effective date." This was the first hearing for this bill in the Senate Finance Committee. Co-Chair Green announced that testimony would be taken on this bill at this time to accommodate a witness' travel arrangements. However, full consideration of the legislation would be given at a future hearing. 10:51:41 AM DAVE CARLSON, Chief Executive Officer, Four Dam Pool Power Agency, testified that the Agency supports this legislation that would extend the $5 million "intertie credit" for the construction of the Swan and Tyee lakes intertie in Southeast Alaska. 10:52:57 AM Senator Bunde asked the number of "groups that are supporting this and that are in the power business." 10:53:13 AM Mr. Carlson replied that the Four Dam Pool includes the Kodiak Electric Association, Copper Valley Electric Association and the cities of Wrangell, Petersburg and Ketchikan. The Alaska Energy Association (AEA) supports this legislation. He had heard of no opposition. 10:53:51 AM RON MILLER, Executive Director, Alaska Energy Association, testified via teleconference from Anchorage in support of the bill. 10:54:08 AM Co-Chair Green asked if the AEA was aware of any opposition to this legislation. 10:54:11 AM Mr. Miller was not. 10:54:18 AM BRIAN BJORKQUIST, Senior Assistant Attorney General, Labor and State Affairs Section, Civil Division, Department of Law, testified via teleconference from Anchorage that he was available to answer questions. 10:54:29 AM SARA FISHER GOAD, Alaska Energy Association, testified via teleconference from Anchorage that she was also available to answer questions. Co-Chair Green ordered the bill HELD in Committee.