CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 495(FIN) "An Act allowing a joint action agency to encumber property interests for security purposes; declaring certain joint action agencies to be political subdivisions for certain purposes; restricting the sale of property of the joint action agency; allowing the joint action agency to transfer property to security interest holders under a security interest or to other parties without legislative approval; and providing for an effective date." This was the first hearing for this bill in the Senate Finance Committee. Co-Chair Wilken noted that CS HB 495(FIN), version 23-LS1681\I would allow the Four Dam Pool Power Agency (FDPPA) to refinance an approximate $73 million loan owed by the Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority (AIDEA). He noted that this legislation is a companion bill to SB 350-4 DAM POOL JOINT ACTION AGENCY, which was previously heard by the Committee, and he noted that Senator B. Stevens has been investigating concerns raised during that bill's hearing in regards to FDPPA leases. TIM BARRY, Staff to the bill's sponsor, Representative Bill Williams, stated that he is available to answer any questions pertaining to the bill or to the Sponsor's statement that is included in Members' packets. Co-Chair Wilken surmised that the Committee understood the intent of the bill. Senator B. Stevens recalled that during the Committee's hearing of SB 350, concerns were raised regarding the use of assets operated or leased by FDPPA, as opposed to assets owned by FDPPA, that were proposed to be utilized as security for bonds. The pertinent language in this regard, he noted, is located in Section 1, subsection (c)(6), on page two, lines 17 through 20 in this bill that reads as follows. (6) to use facilities, projects, and related assets owned, leased, or operated by the joint action agency as security for bonds, notes, mortgages, credit enhancement devices, or other obligations. Senator B. Stevens stated that, in response to those concerns, this bill's sponsor and members of the FDPPA have drafted compromise language. Amendment #1: This amendment would amend Section 1, subsection (c)(6) on page two, beginning on line 17 to read as follows: (6) to use facilities, projects, and related assets owned, leased, or operated by the joint action agency as security in accordance with applicable law. Senator B. Stevens moved to adopt Amendment #1. Co-Chair Wilken objected for discussion. He asked whether AIDEA supports this amendment. Senator B. Stevens responded that, in addition to AIDEA, bond councilors, and interested parties have reviewed and accepted the language of the amendment. Co-Chair Wilken affirmed with TOM LOUAS, a member of the FDPPA who was in the audience, that the amendment was acceptable to him. Co-Chair Wilken removed his objection. There being no further objection, Amendment #1 was ADOPTED. SFC 04 # 114, Side B 10:38 AM Co-Chair Green moved to report the bill, as amended, from Committee with individual recommendations and accompanying fiscal notes. There being no objection, SCS CS HB 495(FIN) was REPORTED from Committee with zero fiscal note #1, dated March 1, 2004 from the Department of Community and Economic Development.