HOUSE BILL NO. 86 "An Act relating to the payments in lieu of taxes program for cities in the unorganized borough; and providing for an effective date." (Due to teleconference problems the beginning portion of tape #110 was not properly recorded.) Senator Torgerson voiced his objection to HB 86. Tom Wright, staff to Representative Ivan Ivan was invited to join the committee. He briefly explained the bill. Senator Adams indicated that the Legislature may not control these funds. Communities pay a sales tax and there is a dumping fee. Lamar Cotten, Deputy Commissioner, Department of Community and Regional Affairs was invited to join the committee. He explained the appropriate code. All cities in unorganized boroughs are treated the same. Co-chair Sharp at this point appointed a subcommittee consisting of Senator Pearce, chair; Senator Torgerson and Senator Adams. He requested a response from this subcommittee by next Friday. HB 86 was held in committee.