SB 191-LIMIT ABORTION SERV. PROVIDERS IN SCHOOLS  3:57:33 PM CHAIR DUNLEAVY announced that the final bill will be SB 191, which was introduced last week. 3:58:12 PM CHAIR DUNLEAVY opened public testimony. 3:58:26 PM CORY CROSSETT, representing himself, testified in opposition to SB 191. He said he is a teacher in the Juneau School District. He related that for the last couple of years students in the district have been getting accurate information about personal hygiene and reproductive health from a representative of Planned Parenthood. He noted the feedback he received from parents and students was positive. He summarized that the purpose of the bill is to keep abortion services providers from indoctrinating students. He countered that the only agenda he ever saw from Planned Parenthood was to provide accurate information. The alternative is ignorance, hearsay, and the risk of pregnancy and STD's. He pointed out that parents are informed ahead of time about the class and have the opportunity for their student to opt out of it. He concluded that it is irresponsible to deprive children of the facts they need to know and it is fiscally irresponsible, as well. 4:00:45 PM SENATOR STEVENS asked how a parent would opt out. MR. CROSSETT explained that parents are informed of the topic and format and then they are given the opportunity to state in writing that they do not want their child to participate. 4:01:26 PM At ease 4:01:43 PM VICE CHAIR HUGGINS took over the meeting. SENATOR GARDNER asked how Planned Parenthood receives approval by the school or the district for the curriculum. MR. CROSSETT explained that the curriculum presented to his students came from King County in Washington State. SENATOR GARDNER asked if it was Planned Parenthood curriculum. MR. CROSSETT said it wasn't; it was prepared by King County School District. SENATOR GARDNER asked if he used the services of the Planned Parenthood trainer. MR. CROSSETT said yes. 4:03:18 PM STACY LAMASCUS, representing herself, testified in opposition to SB 191. She said she and Mr. Crossett both teach grades 4 - 6. She noted the large number of teenagers present today to represent their experiences with reproductive health classes with Planned Parenthood. She pointed out that SB 191 would also impact students in elementary grades. She explained how she attained the curriculum and how she chose which parts to use in conjunction with a trainer from Planned Parenthood. The curriculum did not include sex education, but rather positive body image, personal health and hygiene, and a little on healthy relationships. She stressed that the class is the foundation for healthy sexual relationships in the future. 4:05:24 PM LAURA POWERS, representing herself, testified in opposition to SB 191. She spoke as a home school parent for the past 15 years. She chose the Planned Parenthood curriculum because it provides unbiased, medically accurate information. She said the bill is biased. Pro-life, faith-based curriculum teaches biased information using scare tactics in hopes of promoting abstinence. It is also not inclusive of all communities; whereas Planned Parenthood includes information regardless of age, race, sexual preferences, and religion. She shared statistics about the lack of information regarding contraception for sexually active teens. 4:07:26 PM SENATOR STEVENS thought the concern being raised was whether Planned Parenthood teaches abortion. He asked if any part of the training dealt with abortion. MS. POWERS said they cover it, but the focus is on sex education. She stated that only 2 percent to 3 percent of Planned Parenthood services relate to abortion and 97 percent to 98 percent is sex education. SENATOR GARDNER asked how old her daughters are. MS. POWERS said 17 and 20. 4:08:37 PM DEANNA HOBBS, representing herself, testified in opposition to SB 191. She said she is a senior at Thunder Mountain High School. She spoke as a peer educator for Teen Council, a program through Planned Parenthood where teens willingly come together to learn about topics on healthy sexuality and how to be good educators in health classes. She pointed out that SB 191 would destroy the relationship Teen Council has made with the school district. She noted that she helped round up students to testify today from all three high schools and all four grades. She said it is not for extra credit. She concluded teachers and students feel that health education in the schools is very important. 4:10:53 PM SENATOR GARDNER asked about Teen Council subjects in addition to consent and healthy boundaries. DEANNA HOBBS added healthy relationships. SENATOR GARDNER asked whether they teach sex education or biology. DEANNA HOBBS said they do not specifically address anatomy or sex education. She noted she considers consent and healthy boundaries sex education. She related that Teen Council attended a youth conference in Anchorage which included reproduction, anatomy, and physiology. 4:12:03 PM KORBYN POWERS, Student, University of Alaska-Southeast, testified in opposition to SB 191. She maintained that students who are not informed about sex education cannot properly protect themselves. If children in school do not receive medically accurate information, they will have to ask their parents, which can be awkward, inaccurate, and incomplete. The goal is to have the next generation be healthy and happy and have the right tools and knowledge to have successful and healthy lives. SENATOR STEVENS noted the issue is political and is about abortion. He asked if Planned Parenthood is an avenue to teach abortion and if it is a large part of the curriculum. MS. POWERS opined that it isn't any part of what goes on in the classroom with Planned Parenthood. Abortion stays in the back of people's minds. 4:13:50 PM REBECCA MILLER, representing herself, testified in opposition to SB 191. She said she is a senior at Thunder Mountain High School. She stated that local communities should have the right to invite trusted partners like Planned Parenthood into the classroom because students need medically accurate, unbiased, evidence-based sexual health education. She shared statistics from the Centers for Disease Control about the high rates of chlamydia in Alaska and its costs. She said Planned Parenthood teaches awareness of, and how to treat, STI's. She shared stories about myths learned in a poor sexual education class. 4:16:31 PM RAVENCLOUD HALL, representing herself, testified in opposition to SB 191. She said she is a senior at Thunder Mountain High School. She viewed sex education as a necessity for a healthy lifestyle and without it, teens and young adults are at risk for unhealthy behavior. The bill does not protect Alaska's youth and it limits access to necessary health information. Schools should be able to decide what they think is best for their students. Teachers and healthcare providers should not be penalized for education that makes a community healthier. SB 191 would negatively affect Alaska students. 4:17:49 PM KYLER ROMME, representing himself, testified in opposition to SB 191. He said he is a senior at Thunder Mountain High School. He said the bill openly attacks qualified sexual education providers and keeps them from teaching in schools. It also limits access to important information that increases healthy decision making among Juneau youth. He shared his experience about getting inclusive, comprehensive sex education through Teen Council and its Planned Parenthood facilitator. He shared statistics about the high level of STI's in Alaska. He said the state is obligated to teach students to be as safe, smart, and as healthy as possible. 4:19:58 PM KEVIN ALLEN, representing himself, testified in opposition to SB 191. He said he is Thunder Mountain's student representative to the Juneau School Board. He noted that the legislature goes to outside experts for information, similar to how Planned Parenthood provides sexual education expertise to schools. He took issue with the point that Planned Parenthood is banned from schools; it is a free service and offers a wide range of educational material. SENATOR STEVENS asked what the district would do to provide sex education if they couldn't use Planned Parenthood. MR. ALLEN wasn't sure, but thought that someone should suggest that the district's sex education curriculum be reformed to reflect current times. SENATOR STEVENS questioned who prohibits Planned Parenthood from providing materials. MR. ALLEN said the provisions in SB 191 do, not the Juneau School Board. 4:24:05 PM SELMA HOUCK, representing herself, testified in opposition to SB 191. She said she is a sophomore at Juneau Douglas High School and a survivor of sexual assault. She shared statistics about the number of youth who are sexually assaulted in the U.S. and in Alaska. She said when her incidences happened there were no adults who were educated on how to help the victims, but today organizations like Planned Parenthood can educate this generation. Teen Council is a program of Planned Parenthood that provides a resource to help student who experience sexual assault. SENATOR GARDNER thanked her for her testimony. 4:26:41 PM SID HEIDERSDORF, Member, Alaskans for Life, testified in support of SB 191. He said banning Planned Parenthood will protect children from a philosophy regarding sexual promiscuity and abortion that undermines parents. The controversy is not whether sex education is good or bad, it is because Planned Parenthood promotes sexual promiscuity and is the largest abortion provider in the country. He shared horror stories about harvesting baby parts. He concluded that Planned Parenthood is not welcome in schools. 4:30:24 PM ALYSON CURREY, Representative, Planned Parenthood Votes Northwest and Hawaii, testified in opposition to SB 191. She disputed several statements made in the bill regarding their education programs and some statements heard in the room today. She stated that when Planned Parenthood is invited into classrooms they are not there as representatives of a business and they do not recruit patients. Planned Parenthood delivers health care in their clinics and education in the classroom. She stressed that education includes learning skills like healthy decision making - health, reproduction, consent, and relationships - to prepare students for the real world. Their education programs compliment the conversations that are happening at home and do not replace parents. It has been suggested that Planned Parenthood curriculum is based on values, not science. She clarified that their curriculum uses evidence-based information from highly qualified sources, such as the Centers for Disease Control, the Mayo Clinic, and the national network of HIV and STD Prevention Training Centers. She noted their curriculum is vetted and approved by the Office of Adolescent Health for medical accuracy and is reviewed by local school staff for curriculum alignment, as well as for age and cultural appropriateness to fit the needs of each community. MS. CURREY emphasized that Planned Parenthood promotes respect, inclusivity, and tolerance grounded in a values neutral approach. They absolutely do not teach abortion curriculum in schools. She said it is disappointing that this body would threaten the livelihood of teachers and health care providers, as well as student access to quality education, in order to score political points because of its objection to abortion, a safe and constitutionally protected procedure. She requested the sponsor focus on solving real problems in the state rather than creating them. CHAIR DUNLEAVY said his motivation is not to score political points. He said there are a number of folks in Alaska that have an issue with what is occurring. 4:33:44 PM CHRISTINE NIEMI, representing herself, testified in opposition to SB 191. She addressed Senator Steven's question about whether Planned Parenthood's curriculum includes abortion. She answered by referring to an article on March 6 in the Juneau Empire that says Planned Parenthood does not mention abortion in its lessons or discussion and it is not part of the district's health curriculum. It encourages students to talk to a trusted adult or parent. She maintained that sex education should be left up to the local community to decide and parents should be able to opt out, not opt in. She stated that it is not ok to threaten people about losing their jobs and licenses. 4:36:49 PM ROBYN STEVENS, representing herself, testified in opposition to SB 191. She countered Senator Giessel's statement that parents could take their kids to the local Planned Parenthood to receive sex education. She said in Alaska many people cannot drive to a local Planned Parenthood. She said all students should be able to get comprehensive reproductive information. She disagreed with Senator Dunleavy's statement that abortion providers are in the business to recruit students for potential clients. She said it was a lie and does not have any part in the legislative process. She opined that in banning qualified, well-trained sexual health educators like Planned Parenthood from schools, the legislature is squandering their responsibility to Alaskan students. 4:38:47 PM JANE ANDREEN, Alaska Women's Lobby, testified in opposition to SB 191. She said all children should be loved and should have good accurate information in order to make good decisions. She recalled her inadequate sex education experience. She noted how much more dangerous sexual activity is today than it was 40-plus years ago. Kids today have to know how to protect themselves. 4:40:44 PM CHAIR DUNLEAVY asked if that could be taught by the schools. MS. ANDREWS replied that the issue I, "Who is best prepared - who are the experts who best know how to do this?" She thought some teachers could do it, but they are not found in every school. 4:41:42 PM KATEY BLAGDEN, representing herself, testified in opposition to SB 191. She said she works in Early Childhood Education with families who have experienced sexual abuse and assault, of which Alaska has some of the highest rates. She related that Planned Parenthood provides quality education to help prevent these incidences by teaching youth to be safe, respectful, and responsible sexually. She suggested focusing on solutions and steps forward on making Alaska a healthier place. 4:43:31 PM JOHN SONIN, representing himself, testified in opposition to SB 191. He said that Planned Parenthood is not state funded. He said SB 191 would take away from the quality of life in Alaska. 4:46:28 PM LISA EAGAN LAGERQUIST, representing herself, testified in opposition to SB 191. She said the bill is crazy and she is appalled at wasting time on it. She said as a parent she facility Planned Parenthood to come to Gastineau Elementary School to talk to parents about how to talk to their kids about healthy relationships. She wondered how many committee members had heard a Planned Parenthood presentation. She shared her experience as a teacher and the number of student pregnancies that happened during high school. She concluded that students are going to be sexually active and they need to be prepared. 4:48:51 PM ZHEVIA PETERSON, representing herself, testified in opposition to SB 191. She spoke as a student at UAA involved with Generation Action, a group that focuses on sex education, promoting healthy lives and youth leadership. She noted that at the collegiate level, students are missing vital information on sex education and understanding of SDI's. She shared statistics about STI's and discussed Planned Parenthood's prevention services. She concluded that it is unjust and undemocratic to target teachers and school boards for providing medically accurate and age-appropriated information to students. Planned Parenthood's role is indispensable for students. SENATOR GARDNER thanked Ms. Peterson. 4:51:59 PM KAITLYN ROBERTS, representing herself, testified in opposition to SB 191. She said in light of the SDI epidemic, it is a waste of time trying to prevent Planned Parenthood from educating students in Alaska. She applauded the former testimony from students and strongly supported Planned Parenthood's continuing to provide comprehensive, scientifically accurate sex education. 4:53:05 PM HENRY SCHILDBACH, representing himself, testified in opposition to SB 191. He described his role with the Teen Council at Highland Tech Charter School. He said the goal of sex education is prevention and to enable people to lead healthy lives. He argued for comprehensive sexual education to continue because Alaska does not have a standardized sex education curriculum. He concluded that Planned Parenthood and Teen Council are important and should be continued. 4:55:02 PM JOSHUA MASTERSON, representing himself, testified in opposition to SB 191. He said he is a senior at Highland Tech Charter School. He said studies show that states that teach abstinence have some of the highest rates of teen pregnancies. This standard should not be used in Alaska. Alaska has a high rate of chlamydia and teen pregnancies and SB 191 will make it worse. The bill will not do anything productive. CHAIR DUNLEAVY pointed out that the bill does not prevent sex education in schools. 4:57:32 PM MOIRA PYHALA, representing herself, testified in opposition to SB 191. She said she is a college student and a member of Generation Action at UAA. She shared her experience of not being able to have sex education in Soldotna, an area that has one of the highest rates of STI's in the state. She said Planned Parenthood was the only resource available to her. She said to put the safety of youth and their teachers over this unreasonable bill. She concluded that a student's access to sex education is a conversation that should be held between their teachers and their health care providers, not their politicians. 4:58:54 PM NATHAN CARRAWAY, representing himself, testified in opposition to SB 191. He said he attends Highland Tech Charter School. He thought the $5,000 fine against teachers and districts was too harsh. He did not agree with the description of Planned Parenthood - "abortion service provider." He countered that Planned Parenthood are teachers of sexual education and prevention, a big need in Alaska. He concluded that the bill will only prevent education about prevention. CHAIR DUNLEAVY said the bill does not prevent sex education. 5:01:08 PM JOHN BROWN, representing himself, testified in opposition to SB 191. He shared his experience with lack of access to sexual education and listed the resource Planned Parenthood provides. He said the bill is politically motivated and legally questionable. He believed individuals have the right to live their own lives and make their own decision, and do not want politicians to make decisions for them. 5:03:21 PM KARYN WARNER, representing herself, testified in opposition to SB 191. She said she finds the bill appalling. The bill targets highly qualified and capable Planned Parenthood from providing critical education for Alaska's youth. She spoke as a sexual assault nurse examiner and she shared sexual assault, STI, and teen pregnancy statistics in Alaska. She opined that youth and the community deserve the trustworthy, quality free education and support services by Planned Parenthood. 5:04:53 PM KIRA HAMILTON, representing herself, testified in opposition to SB 191. She said she is a junior at Service High school. She cited high rates of STI and sexual abuse statistics as reasons to be encouraging sex education in schools. She called fining teachers a sinister part of the bill. She shared her experience learning from the incredible resources of Planned Parenthood. She said she is a member of Planned Parenthood's Teen Council and a resource to her peers. She termed the bill appalling. 5:06:29 PM AMMIE TREMBLAY, representing herself, testified in opposition to SB 191. She shared her role as a teacher in the nursing program at UAA and as a volunteer for Planned Parenthood. She said the bill would create a barrier and makes her an outlaw. She felt strongly that she should have a choice regarding Planned Parenthood and not be restricted from her civic duty. She spoke as a mom who wants her boys to have comprehensive sex education. 5:08:20 PM ROBIN SMITH, representing herself, testified in opposition to SB 191. She called the bill unconstitutional and was offended that it slanders Planned Parenthood. She said the state is not doing its job to provide comprehensive sex education because there is no state standard curriculum for it. She maintained that kids learn about sex from the media and the internet. She concluded that Planned Parenthood is not encouraging promiscuity; it teaches options. 5:11:20 PM CAROLINE AHREBS, representing herself, testified in opposition to SB 191. She said she subs and volunteers in the school. She said the bill is fiscally irresponsible, pushes a personal agenda vendetta, and is hyped by personal propaganda. She suggested that "if you have sat in a class taught by Planned Parenthood, as I have" you would know what is being taught. She said Planned Parenthood is professional and competent and the school always has an employee in the class and there is no free reign. They do not teach students to have sex so they can have abortion clientele; they do teach fact-based education. 5:14:50 PM KYLIE CLARK, representing herself, testified in opposition to SB 191. She suggested members educate themselves on what Planned Parenthood offers. She opined that the bill is an inefficient way to legislate what goes on in schools. 5:16:03 PM KENNI LINDEN, representing herself, testified in opposition to SB 191. She said as a student she sat on the Mat-Su School Board and on the curriculum council. She then worked as a substitute teacher. She said SB 191 creates harmful and unnecessary boundaries to accessing essential, comprehensive, and scientifically accurate reproductive health education. Curriculum standards already prevent abortion from being addressed within the classroom. The bill is misguided, likely unconstitutional, and actively undermines the purview of teachers and local educators to have local control. She spoke as a victim of sexual assault and wished she had been able to have health education with lessons in healthy relationships and consent. She concluded that parents have the ability to opt out of any education that does not align with their values. She requested the committee oppose SB 191. 5:18:06 PM JOANIE WILM, representing herself, testified in opposition to SB 191. She described the bill in unflattering terms. She said it is a waste of time when the state is in an economic crisis, and legislators will answer to the public for it. She said the Education Committee has a responsibility to students in Alaska to provide an adequate education, of which sex education is a part. She maintained that Planned Parenthood provides a service, especially to girls who are more at risk from STD's. The bill endangers the lives of youth. She opined that, "You don't get to impose your religious beliefs on the rest of Alaskans." CHAIR DUNLEAVY said he, nor other members of the committee, have mentioned religious beliefs. 5:20:51 PM ENZINA MARARI, representing herself, testified in opposition to SB 191. She shared that she was a sexual health educator for Planned Parenthood for five years. She related there is no sexual health education regulation in Alaska. Only eighth-grade health is required and it contains a chapter on reproduction. It is entirely up to teachers to decide how much sexual education to provide and from whom. She said that teachers are not providing sex education because they are not trained to. She reported that she was thanked year after year by teachers because they did not feel qualified to teach sex education. She said in Anchorage schools, parents already have the ability to opt out of any class; only one parent took that option during her five years of teaching. She stated abortion is not included or allowed in the education curriculum. The education provided by Planned Parenthood is peer reviewed and fact-based. She listed the resources they use and the topics covered. She dispelled myths surrounding Planned Parenthood. 5:24:50 PM CAROLYN CLIFT, representing herself, testified in opposition to SB 191. 5:25:25 PM MARCI HAWKINS, representing herself, testified in opposition to SB 191. She said she has five children. She predicted there would be a lawsuit and the bill is a waste of time - the focus should be on funding schools instead. The bill discriminates against teachers, school districts, and affiliates, like herself who plans to get a degree in Early Childhood. SENATOR GARDNER asked why she would not be able to be employed due to affiliation clauses in the bill. MS. HAWKINS said there is no definition of "affiliate." SENATOR GARDNER asked her to send an email to her office. 5:28:37 PM KIM SMITH, representing herself, testified in opposition to SB 191. She described her experience as a sex education teacher in the 90's. She said Homer had a very high rate of teen pregnancies at the time. Homer has had a rigorous health education program in schools for over 20 years. Teen pregnancy rates have dropped tremendously. Youth have had the privilege of peer educators for fact-base health education for years. Parents have always had the opt-out choice. This semester peer educators taught 100 students with only one opt out. Their work focuses on facts, healthy relationships, STD prevention, and pregnancy prevention; it is comprehensive and medically accurate. SB 191 is an affront to teachers and professionals who want to ensure the health and safety of students. She termed it government intrusion and overreach. 5:31:13 PM CAROLYN CLIFT, representing herself, testified in opposition to SB 191. She said she is a parent and educator and her goal is to prepare young adults to take individual responsibility for their own lives and finances and not depend on the state. She said there are too many teen pregnancies. The bill is a huge problem in that it can take away teacher and medical provider licenses. She provided examples of lack of medical providers. She concluded it is a lawsuit waiting to happen and it is an expensive bill. 5:33:37 PM CATRIONA REYNOLDS, Director, Kachemak Bay Family Planning Clinic, testified in opposition to SB 191. She shared statistics regarding a drop in teen pregnancies and how her clients were helped by Planned Parenthood services. She maintained that Planned Parenthood lessons did not cause STD's, but help treat and prevent them. She shared that teachers have expressed that they are not well-versed in sex education and embarrassed to teach reproductive health information. She shared how Planned Parenthood supported her own children. 5:36:25 PM MARY LOU KELSEY, Nurse Practitioner, Homer Medical Center, testified in opposition to SB 191. She said the bill is a misdirected attempt to restrict access to quality sex education in schools. She shared that she has practiced in the Kenai Peninsula for 35 years. She said she has also volunteered and taught reproductive health in the middle school and high school for many years and used Planned Parenthood educational materials that are factual and unbiased. She concluded that students deserve accurate information. She requested that the sponsor not threaten teachers and consider the potential harm the bill would have. 5:38:07 PM HEATHER O'CONNOR, Director, Kachemak Bay Family Planning Clinic, testified in opposition to SB 191. She said the clinic has been providing health education in schools for over 20 years using an evidence-based curriculum. She pointed out that teachers are not comfortable talking to their students about sex education. She shared statistics on STI's. She highlighted the need to open doors to more health care providers. She claimed the bill is politically motivated and an example of government overreach. 5:40:15 PM SAMANTHA SAVAGE, representing herself, testified in opposition to SB 191. She said she would have benefitted by the comprehensive and medically accurate sex education services offered by Planned Parenthood. Schools should be working with the most highly qualified individuals to provide sex education, rather than threatening doctors and teachers. She concluded that the bill is harmful. 5:41:46 PM TAMARA ROSELIUS, representing herself, testified in opposition to SB 191. She detailed four main problems with the bill. The penalties are too big and it is unwieldy for schools to question all teachers and volunteers about their associations. It is a violation of freedom of association. Secondly, there is no evidence or data of Planned Parenthood indoctrination. Thirdly, teachers should focus on their jobs and the legislature should focus on their jobs. This issue should be left up to school boards. Finally, she said she has researched some of Planned Parenthood's programs, such as the Get Real Program for middle school, and found them to be an evidence-based program. She listed its curriculum. She concluded that schools want the best resources for the least amount of money for students. 5:44:15 PM ED GRAY, representing himself, testified in support of SB 191. He shared his experience as a parent with Planned Parenthood in the Sitka School District. He said he is opposed to Planned Parenthood's values and called them abortionists who promote sex and abortion. He said parents and certified teachers should teach human sexuality. This is the law in six states and there will be no lawsuits. 5:46:42 PM JULIE STROEMER, representing herself, testified in support of SB 191. She maintained that other teachers can teach sex education. She said Planned Parenthood is the number one provider of abortion and their origin was in eugenics and genocide. 5:48:34 PM JAYSON CHRISTNER, representing herself, testified in support of SB 191. He did not approve of Planned Parenthood as partners in schools, but did support medically accurate and unbiased sex education for youth. He concluded that SB 191 will not ban sex education in schools. 5:50:04 PM JOSHUA DECKER, Executive Director, American Civil Liberties Union of Alaska, testified in opposition to SB 191. He said he submitted written testimony to the committee on March 3. He maintained that the bill is unconstitutional. It seeks to prevent anyone who works or volunteers in any capacity at any hospital, clinic, or health centers where abortions are performed from discussing any topic in public schools. Not only would the bill prevent a math teacher from volunteering on Saturdays at a women's health center, it would prevent a student from volunteering at all at hospitals. If a history teacher had that student give an in-class presentation on President Lincoln, the hospital would be fined $5,000 per student and the history teacher would lose their job. MR. DECKER explained that the core constitutional deficiency in the bill is that under the First Amendment, the government cannot punish teachers, students, health care professionals or hospitals based on what they say outside of school or how they spend their private lives. The constitution guarantee is that the government cannot play favorites. Also, bills that restrict access to abortion, which is legal, are unconstitutional and expensive. He noted that Alaska has already spent nearly $1 million of taxpayer money defending unconstitutional laws like SB 191. CHAIR DUNLEAVY said he replied to Mr. Decker's email and asked him if he had any ideas for improvements to the bill. He did not know if he received a response. MR. DECKER said he did reply to the email and there is no way to rehabilitate the bill. The state cannot prohibit people from freely speaking or associating in their private lives outside of school. 5:52:53 PM HELEN CRAIG, representing herself, testified in support of SB 191. She said her family believes in the bible and in values. She said she believes sex education should be taught in the home. She said Planned Parenthood was teaching the kids to have oral sex. She said doctors should not teach abortion in schools. 5:55:41 PM CINDY MOORE, representing herself, testified in opposition to SB 91. She recalled that she and her husband worked extremely hard last year to get the Alaska Safe Children's Act passed in order to protect all kids. She stated that SB 191 threatens crucial education for all Alaska's children. It is being presented as a bill to keep abortion providers out of schools because, as the sponsor states, "this education is indoctrinating our students and is coming into our schools and recruiting future clients." She said this is an extremely offensive statement and flat-out false. MS. MOORE related that current sex education curriculum has nothing to do with abortion. It is about protecting kids and keeping them safe from getting pregnant, contacting STD's and STI's, and learning about healthy relationships. She emphasized that Planned Parenthood does not teach abortion in our schools. She said the provision for parents to "opt in instead of opt out" is going to drastically reduce the number of teens receiving this education. She said, "We cannot afford this." Alaska leads the nation in STD's and ranks near the top for teen pregnancies. She said she does not understand the purpose of the bill. She stated that abortion is illegal in Alaska for minors under 17 without parental consent or a court order. State law already allows parents to opt out of any curriculum being taught in public schools. Parents have 100 percent control over their child's education. She pointed out that SB 191 does have a fiscal impact. It has a cost to hire teachers to teach sex education instead of Planned Parenthood trainers, who are free. She asked the committed to consider the rights of teens to stay safe and healthy. 5:58:17 PM BUTCH MOORE, representing himself, testified in opposition to SB 191. He said the sponsor has grossly misrepresented Planned Parenthood in saying abortion providers are educating Alaska's children. He stated that Planned Parenthood educated his daughters in Anchorage and they never mentioned abortion. He said DOE says school districts can determine and control their curriculum and the department is not aware of any school district that mentions abortion anywhere in the state. He likened the bill to liquor being sold in a grocery store. He reiterated that Planned Parenthood has a small portion of their business that provides abortions and they do not discuss abortion in schools. He saw a bigger problem related to the state's budget crisis and no need to address abortion bills right now. He concluded that the bill is a personal vendetta and it is unconstitutional. He requested that the sponsor should represent the people. 6:01:35 PM PAMELA SAMASH, Member, Right to Life, testified in support of SB 191. She maintained that Planned Parenthood promotes sex and spreads diseases and she does not want it in schools. Sex outside of marriage always has consequences. She said that people should promote the bible, not Planned Parenthood. She shared a story about an abortion and horror stories. 6:04:28 PM DEBORAH POTTER, representing herself, testified in opposition to SB 191. She said legislation should focus on facts. The bill is very likely unconstitutional and will likely result in an expensive legal battle that the state cannot afford. The legislature should focus on the budget. She opposed guilt by association found in the bill. She shared statistics about STD's, teen pregnancy, and sexual assault. DOROTHY MCGILVARY, representing herself, testified in support of SB 191. She supports the blockage of Planned Parenthood in schools. She shared horror stories about Planned Parenthood. She suggested a nurse, parent, or teacher can discuss sex education with youth. She said Planned Parenthood supports sexual activity and abortion. She thought traditional values should be taught. She advised to save sex for marriage, "Keep your legs crossed until you get married," and just say no. 6:10:45 PM EMILY KOSTINA, representing herself, testified in opposition to SB 191. She said she agrees with much of the opposition to SB 191. She said the bill would ban her work as a member of Teen Council. She concluded that she supports Planned Parenthood's comprehensive education in schools. 6:12:36 PM STAN BLUETTE, representing himself, testified in opposition to SB 191. He spoke of his personal experience in a Planned Parenthood classes which began in fifth grade. He stated that the classes were wholesome and educational and he and many other Alaskans need this education. 6:14:16 PM CHAIR DUNLEAVY voiced appreciation for all the testimonies. He held SB 191 in committee. SENATOR GARDNER said she was impressed by the students' preparation, demeanor, and courtesy during their testimonies. [SB 191 was held in committee.]