SB 104-AID TO VOLUNTEER SERVICES    MARY JACKSON, staff for Senator Torgerson, introduced SB 104. Senator Torgerson is the bill sponsor. SB 104 deals with what the Local Boundary Commission (LBC) refers to as disincentives for organization. Current statutes provide for volunteer fire departments in unorganized areas to receive funding but not those in organized areas. This bill would revise statutes so that volunteer fire departments in organized areas with populations under 2,500 would receive funding. Emergency medical service entities having ambulance services and with less than 2,500 in population in both organized and unorganized areas would also receive funds. The fiscal note and a draft copy of the impacts to various communities are included in committee packets. The basis for the information comes from registered lists provided by the state fire marshal and the emergency medical services. Number 375 CHAIRMAN TORGERSON said, "It's $5.00 for volunteer and $5.00 for EMS, right?" MS. JACKSON said it's $10.00 each. CHAIRMAN TORGERSON asked whether there were any questions. There were none. There was no teleconference testimony. SENATOR PHILLIPS said he understood this to mean that in an organized area there are unorganized cities within the borough. CHAIRMAN TORGERSON said, "That's 109 but this is kind of the same thing. If you're outside of the borough then you receive money for the EMS and fire department but if you're inside the borough you do not. This just equalizes that." The fiscal note went up substantially since the bill was introduced last time but it's a policy call by the legislature whether to equalize treatment between organized and unorganized areas. SENATOR PHILLIPS moved SB 104 and fiscal note from committee with individual recommendations. There were no objections.