SB 156-MUNICIPAL CLASSIFICATIONS AND BOUNDARIES KEVIN WARING, Chairman of the Local Boundary Commission, made the following comments via teleconference. The LBC and Alaska Municipal League (AML) support SB 156, which amends language put into statute in 1985. SB 156 does not alter LBC's powers, but does make two changes. First, SB 156 makes consistent in Title 29, language pertaining to five types of petitions regarding how the LBC may amend and accept, or reject, each type of petition. After researching the legislative history of those sections, Department of Community and Regional Affairs' (DCRA) staff determined that no purposeful reason existed for the inconsistent language. Uniform language throughout Title 29 will reduce confusion for petitioners. Second, SB 156 will endorse, by statute, the LBC's present practice of attaching conditions when approving certain types of petitions. The LBC believes it is authorized to attach conditions; that viewpoint has been endorsed by the Department of Law. The practice of attaching conditions is often beneficial to petitioners, and it is helpful to the LBC in protecting the state's interest. CHAIRMAN WARING illustrated the need to attach conditions with the following examples. The LBC has approved seven dissolution petitions filed by second class cities since 1994. At the time the dissolution was approved, the cities continued to have assets, liabilities and financial obligations to other parties. The LBC conditionally approved the dissolutions subject to proper disposition of public assets and debt clearance. On occasion, the LBC identified a sales or bed tax as a revenue source to finance the operations of a to-be incorporated city. Approval of petitions for incorporation was conditioned upon local approval of the taxes to ensure that the petitioner would have adequate revenue sources to fund its operations. There being no further testimony, SENATOR MACKIE moved SB 156 from committee with individual recommendations. There being no objection, the motion carried.