Number 120 SB 206 WELFARE REFORM SENATOR TORGERSON brought SB 206 before the committee as the next order of business. He noted at the last hearing on the bill there were several concerns brought up as to the application of the bill as it relates to Native communities and Native organizations. A letter was sent to the Department of Health & Social Services requesting clarification of certain points. The department responded that a lot of the questions couldn't be answered because of waivers, Congress and other stipulations that have yet to be determined. It is his opinion that this was a broad-based approach to such a comprehensive bill, so he had a Community & Regional Affairs CS drafted that basically deletes Section 47.27.070, "Coordination with Alaska Native Organizations with Tribal Family Assistance Programs." It also defines "qualified entity" as municipalities, other political subdivisions of the state, nonprofit corporations under AS 10.20, or combinations of these. On page 33, line 35, "local governments" is changed to "municipalities" for consistency. Number 152 SENATOR KELLY moved that CSSB 206(CRA) be adopted. Hearing no objection, the motion carried. SENATOR KELLY moved that CSSB 206(CRA) be passed out of committee with individual recommendations. Hearing no objection, the Chairman stated CSSB 206(CRA) would move from committee with individual recommendations.