The Senate Community & Regional Affairs Committee was called to order by Chairman Randy Phillips at 9:03 a.m. He introduced CSHB 543(STA) (UNVENTED GAS HEATERS IN RESIDENTIAL BLDGS) as the first order of business. JOSEPH EASAW, staff to Representative Al Vezey, explained the legislation allows the use of unvented gas-fired room heaters in residential dwellings in the State of Alaska. It mandates that these heaters must meet the requirements of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), Z21.11.2. Unvented gas-fired room heaters have been in existence for more than 30 years in Europe, and there are more than two million of them in use in the United States since 1981 without any instances of fatalities attributable to unvented gas heaters manufactured for indoor use. He noted that the Consumer Product Safety Commission has said that unvented gas heaters are six times safer than vented gas heaters. Benefits of using unvented gas heaters are: (1) they are cheaper to use than heating fuel and electricity; and (2) they are nearly 100 percent efficient. Mr. Easaw pointed out that carbon monoxide produced by vent free gas heaters is about one fourth of that produced by gas cook stoves. Number 115 KEITH KETTLER of Kettler Enterprises, testifying from Longmont Colorado, related there are 18 manufacturers of vent-free fireplaces and, additionally, there are approximately a dozen or more who make only the invented heaters. These appliances are approved by every building code used in the United States except the Uniform Mechanical Code (UMC) that is used in Alaska. He noted that in many areas where the UMC is used, building officials have approved these appliances as alternate material. He then outlined the safety standards required in the manufacturing of these appliances. Mr. Kettler concluded that a vent-free heater is an appliance that has an established track record, a prudent safety record, and is the most efficient option on the market in the United States today. Number 197 MS. DANI NOWELL, testifying from Anchorage, said the bill legislation speaks to "unvented gas heaters" and if this is addressing just room heaters, it should specify that it is strictly a room gas heater, not unvented gas heaters because that would incorporate many different types. KEITH KETTLER responded that the verbiage in the bill makes it very clear that the standard is the gas-fired room heater. Number 225 SENATOR TAYLOR asked Mr. Kettler what the significant difference was between the type of heater that Ms. Nowell referred to and the type of heater that he is promoting. KEITH KETTLER answered that he has never heard of any vent-free heater or unvented heater that is other than a room heater. He added there is only one ANSI standard (Z21.11.2) that he is aware of for gas-fired room heaters. The ANSI standard limits the size of these heaters to 40,000 BTUs, so the legislation is not talking about a furnace system for a whole house. That is not the intent of the bill, nor would those be allowed under the Z21.11.2 standard. Number 275 There being no further witnesses to testify on HB 543, SENATOR RANDY PHILLIPS stated the bill would be back before the committee at its next meeting for more public testimony.