SENATOR RANDY PHILLIPS introduced SB 189 (COMMUNITY HEALTH AIDE GRANTS) as the first order of business MYRA MUNSON, representing the Alaska Native Health Board, explained SB 189 is a very technical bill that will solve the problem with the community health aide training grant program. Community health aides make up the core of rural health care delivery throughout Alaska. All of the money for their salaries comes from federal appropriation through the Indian Health Service. The state provides a small grant program (less than $700,000) to support training and supervision of the health aides. When the program was created in 1985, it provided that to be eligible to receive the funds an organization had to exist in 1984 and employ health aides. Last year, after the East Aleutian Borough formed, a new regional health organization formed to serve that borough area, and because this organization did not exist in 1984, it was not eligible to receive training funds from the state. SB 189 permits new regional organizations to come in and provide services. The legislation does not change the funding formula in any way; it is still based on the number of health aides who were in the program in 1984. Ms. Munson said the legislation is a very high priority for people in the Aleutian-Priboloff region. Without passage of the bill, those programs run the risk of having one program with no funding or the two programs having less than their share of the total funding. She urged swift passage of SB 189. Number 092 LARRY STEVENS, aide to Senator George Jacko, said he personally became aware of this problem the past interim during a meeting with the Aleutian-Priboloff Islands Association. Concern was expressed that if a solution was not found in the near term, they would not be able to continue on the basis which they had mutually agreed to to accommodate the change in the situation. Mr. Stevens voiced Senator Jacko's support for passage of the legislation. Number 110 SENATOR RANDY PHILLIPS referred to page 2, line 10, and asked how the rural area of at least 4,000 square miles was determined. MYRA MUNSON responded that the 4,000 miles is determined by land mass, and the East Aleutians Borough area served is just over 4,000 miles, so it will not create a new problem. The land mass area was put into the law in the first instance to encourage the efficiency of serving larger regions, so as not to have every individual village coming in and looking for grants. Number 130 DEBORAH ERICKSON, Health Program Specialist, Division of Public Health, Department of Health and Social Services, stated the department's support for SB 189, and she said the bill is just a technical change and will not the change the nature or scope of the program. Number 146 SENATOR LEMAN moved that SB 189 be passed out of committee with individual recommendations. Hearing no objection, it was so ordered.