Number 009 BRUCE CAMPBELL, COMMISSIONER, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND PUBLIC FACILITIES (DOT/PF), stated that HB 544 is the result of a court challenge to the method which certain landing fees were adopted. The plaintiffs prevailed, which left DOT with the choice of either readopting landing fees in a manner which met the Administrative Procedures Act, or having an off-setting fuel tax which would provide the same revenue the landing fees would. He added that the air carriers preferred the latter option and the Finance Committees approved, so DOT/PF decided to pursue it. Number 065 CHAIR FOSTER commended Commissioner Campbell for his accurate recitation of the facts and sequence of events surrounding the issue, adding that he gets frequent calls from members of the Air Carriers Association, of which he was once a member. Number 081 REPRESENTATIVE HUDSON asked Commissioner Campbell about the wording "motorfuel consumed by user," and asked what that meant. Number 090 COMMISSIONER CAMPBELL explained that the section in question is in the bill because the air carriers wanted an escape. He added that if the commissioner reinstated landing fees, the section in question would immediately trigger the mechanisms for doing away with the tax. Number 103 REPRESENTATIVE HUDSON asked if this bill impacts any other fuels. Number 105 COMMISSIONER CAMPBELL responded in the negative. Number 110 REPRESENTATIVE HUDSON motioned to move HB 544, with accompanying fiscal notes and individual recommendations, out of the House Transportation Committee. Number 119 CHAIR FOSTER asked if there were any objections. There were none, and so HB 544 was declared to be moved out of committee. The meeting was adjourned at 6:01 p.m. for floor session.