HJR 30-URGE U.S. SUPPORT OF REFUGEES  4:10:12 PM CHAIR KREISS-TOMKINS announced that the next order of business would be HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 30, Urging the United States Congress to reaffirm the commitment of the United States to promote the safety, health, and well-being of refugees and displaced persons; urging the United States government to uphold its international leadership role in responding to displacement crises with humanitarian assistance and to work with the international community and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees to find solutions to conflicts and protect refugees; and urging the President of the United States to continue to mitigate the burden placed on frontline refugee host countries. 4:10:16 PM REPRESENTATIVE ANDY JOSEPHSON, Alaska State Legislature, advised that HJR 30 was inspired by a Colony Middle School student who flew to Juneau during the January-February timeframe of this year, and they presented this legislation to the House Community and Regional Affairs Standing Committee. This resolution expresses concern, sympathy, and compassion for refugees and displaced persons. Originally, the sponsor focused on Syrian refugees, except this resolution is broader and is designed to reflect this historical moment, the compassion of the Alaska Legislature, and Alaska's concern for folks who are displaced based upon civil strife. For example, he offered, their fear of sexual violence, human trafficking, forced conscription, genocide, and other horrible situations that they may confront. The resolution is fairly self-explanatory and given the circumstances in Syria this week, it is unfortunately topical, he opined. 4:12:15 PM REPRESENTATIVE WOOL noted that 65,600,000 people are displaced worldwide and asked Representative Josephson's sense of obligation the United States should attempt to absorb. REPRESENTATIVE JOSEPHSON responded that this subject came up in the House Community and Regional Affairs Standing Committee. Some people believe that the United States is not fully doing its fair share given its resources and capacity, and the burden is held more by Western Europe, for example, than America. He explained that the intent of this resolution was not so much as to get into that issue, as to simply mark this moment in history and note that the people of Alaska and their legislators are compassionate people, that they are aware of the crisis, and if called upon "we would certainly lend a hand." He said, "Beyond being called upon, that we would individually, if not collectively, that we would assert ourselves and do whatever we can do." 4:14:04 PM REPRESENTATIVE LEDOUX asked Representative Josephson what exactly he wanted to see with respect to this resolution, what "are we not doing that you think we should do?" REPRESENTATIVE JOSEPHSON answered that the resolution directs that the United States government do what it can in partnership with the international community, that it work with non- governmental organizations, that it mitigate the harm, that it use its resources the best it can, and that those sorts of things should continue and be re-enforced. [HJR 30 was held over.]