CHAIR JAMES called on Dwight Perkins, Department of Labor, to explain his concerns regarding CSHB 483(L&C) (9-GH2027/C). Number 0723 DWIGHT PERKINS, Special Assistant, Office of the Commissioner, Department of Labor, asked the committee members to waive CSHB 483(L&C) (9-GH2027/C) from the House State Affairs Committee once it was assigned to it. He explained it increased the weekly benefit amount for unemployment insurance from the maximum of $212 to $248. The weekly benefit amount had not increased since 1990. He referred the committee members to a handout titled "Employer and Employee Contributions under the Proposal to Cap WBA at $248 in 1997, Change the Employer/Employee Tax Share to 80/20, and Round the Employee Tax to the nearest 100th %." He explained currently the employer paid 82 percent of the cost while the employee paid 18 percent. The proposal in CSHB 483(L&C) reduced the employer contribution and increased the employee contribution. This created a net savings of $15 per employee per year to the employer. The additional cost to the employee was $20 per year. He further explained the fiscal note was not seeking an additional appropriation. The amounts shown were additional charges against the payroll which would occur quarterly as claims were filed. It did not affect the general fund. Number 0998 CHAIR JAMES responded that she was aghast that the employee paid so little for unemployment insurance. She called it a token. Yet, individuals felt that they were entitled to it because they paid for it. She had no problem reducing the contributions from the employers and increasing the contributions from the employees. Number 1056 MR. PERKINS replied Alaska was only one of four states that did pay in the nation. Number 1093 REPRESENTATIVE PORTER stated the House Labor and Commerce Committee and the Department of Labor worked closely together on this bill. He voted in favor of the bill. Number 1122 CHAIR JAMES asked the committee members if there was any objection to waiving the bill from the House State Affairs Committee once it was assigned to it? There was no objection.