HB 531 - ELIMINATE SOME STATE MULTIMEMBER BODIES CHAIRMAN VEZEY opened CSHB 531 for discussion. He noted the committee had CSHB 531 version J, before them which incorporated the amendment adopted the previous Thursday. He stated CSHB 531 provides the Museum Collections Advisory Committee (MCAC) can meet by teleconference, gives them a threshold of $5,000 for purchase consultation, and provides their duties are to act in the general acquisition and deaccession policies of the museum. The original HB 531 eliminated the MCAC. Number 111 REPRESENTATIVE OLBERG moved to adopt version J, CSHB 531. Number 115 CHAIRMAN VEZEY, hearing no objection, adopted version J, CSHB 531. Number 118 REPRESENTATIVE OLBERG moved to move CSHB 531 from committee with individual recommendations. (REPRESENTATIVE ULMER joined the meeting at 8:05 a.m.) Number 120 CHAIRMAN VEZEY asked the committee secretary to call the roll. IN FAVOR: REPRESENTATIVES VEZEY, KOTT, ULMER, SANDERS, OLBERG. ABSENT: REPRESENTATIVES B. DAVIS, G. DAVIS MOTION PASSED