HB 531 - ELIMINATE SOME STATE MULTIMEMBER BODIES CHAIRMAN VEZEY, under bills previously heard, opened HB 531 to discuss an amendment REPRESENTATIVE ULMER proposeD. REPRESENTATIVE ULMER stated the amendment allows the committee meetings to be held by teleconference to avoid travel costs, it raises the jurisdiction of the committee from $1,000 to $5,000, and adds language in Section 6 to clarify the Museum Collections Advisory Committee (MCAC) general duties pertain to acquisition and disposition, which was recommended by the Karen Crane, Department of Education, for clarity. The last line on page 1 deletes those sections of HB 531 which had deleted the MCAC. Number 692 CHAIRMAN VEZEY referred to Section 6 which states, "the committee shall act in an advisory capacity to the board." He could not remember what the board was. Number 696 REPRESENTATIVE ULMER stated she guessed the Board of Education. TAPE 94-42, SIDE A Number 000 CHAIRMAN VEZEY asked what Section 6 was doing. REPRESENTATIVE ULMER clarified "acquisition and disposition" is the language being added. The statute presently reads,"the committee shall act in an advisory capacity to the board as the general policies and programs of the state museum." She stated Karen Crane suggested the change. She reminded the committee most of the testimony received pertained to MCAC's role in overseeing how money was spent to either acquire or disposition of assets. The scope of the MCAC's jurisdiction is narrowed by this additional language. She stated she was imparticular about the change, but it made DOE more at ease with HB 531. Number 028 CHAIRMAN VEZEY clarified the amendment would narrow the scope of the MCAC. He commented they used the word "deaccession," and asked if "disposition" would be the correct word to use. REPRESENTATIVE ULMER responded "disposition" was recommended by Karen Crane and Terri Lauterbach. Number 047 CHAIRMAN VEZEY stated REPRESENTATIVE ULMER was clarifying in Section 4 that a meeting could be held by teleconference. In Section 5, the limit would be raised from $1,000 to $5,000. He asked about raising the limit to $10,000. REPRESENTATIVE ULMER replied she did not have any information about how many acquisitions were within various categories. She referred to previous testimony which stated there are a number of small acquisitions under $5,000 which would be freed up. She had no preference for $5,000 or $10,000. Number 069 CHAIRMAN VEZEY stated he remembered the testimony to state they have a $50,000 acquisition budget, which they make 10- 11 acquisitions per year with. The average was about $5,000. REPRESENTATIVE ULMER said she just did not know. Number 080 REPRESENTATIVE G. DAVIS commented he tended to support the amendment even though he had concerns about the number of boards and commissions. He felt the $5,000 level as compared to $10,000, was questionable. He pointed out how valuable a piece is to a collection might be more of a question. Number 101 CHAIRMAN VEZEY stated he believed the impetus for the change was to remove fairly minor acquisitions from the purview of the MCAC. He questioned the dollar value of a major acquisition. Number 113 REPRESENTATIVE ULMER offered to get a list from the museum as to the costs of acquisitions. Number 117 CHAIRMAN VEZEY stated a list would not be as important as determining value. What is a major acquisition versus a relatively minor acquisition made probably more out of opportunity. Something to fulfill a collection would have a lot a value, thereby costing a lot of money. CHAIRMAN VEZEY, hearing no further questions, stated a committee substitute would be drafted that adopts REPRESENTATIVE ULMER's proposed amendment. He felt the $5,000 could still be adjusted, if necessary. Number 134 REPRESENTATIVE ULMER asked if HB 531 would be rescheduled for Thursday or Tuesday of next week. Number 136 CHAIRMAN VEZEY believed Tuesday. ADJOURNMENT CHAIRMAN VEZEY, having no more business before the committee, adjourned the meeting at 9:45 a.m.