HB 209 COMMUNITY HEALTH AIDE GRANTS Number 019 CHAIRMAN VEZEY read the title to HB 209 and noted its introduction by the House Health, Education and Social Services Committee, and called for testimony. Number 031 DEBORAH ERICKSON, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICES, DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH, joined the committee to express the department's support for HB 209. She noted the state had been providing funds for the Alaska Native Health Board for years in order to provide money for non-profit Native health aides. She stated the money was specifically provided for supervision and training of health aides, and the state was providing only about ten percent of the total funding. She noted there was no need for legislation until two larger sized Native groups splintered away from the Alaska Native Health Board, which meant that funding could not be provided those groups. She said Alaska might be subject to lawsuits unless funding for those groups was provided, which HB 209 provided for. Number 104 CHAIRMAN VEZEY noted that under the statute, grants to qualified health organizations were not limited to those grandfathered in, but the $8,000 grants seemed to be available to everyone. Number 120 MS. ERICKSON stated in the definition of each health organization the statute allows health care organizations receiving aid in 1984 to receive funding, and it is not a problem for local organizations, but rather the regional corporations. Number 135 CHAIRMAN VEZEY stated he had a problem with the term "entitled" in the statute. He wondered if it bothered the department that the state is obligated to pay an entitled fund. Number 143 MS. ERICKSON stated there is a provision in the statute that limits the funds to the appropriation list in the original list. Number 152 CHAIRMAN VEZEY asked, if the statute allowed almost anyone to claim the aid, why not just eliminate the law and open it up completely? Number 155 MS. ERICKSON stated the law provides controls for eligibility that should be kept, and it also provides guidelines and definitions on what state funds can be used for. One concern is that the organizations taking funds do not use the funds for salaries, only for training and supervision. That way, the state's liability is limited. Number 176 CHAIRMAN VEZEY asked what the state gained by limiting the funds to groups contracting to Indian Health Service groups from 1984, but no new groups. Number 185 MS. ERICKSON stated it really does not limit the entry to the program. She said most of the state was covered by one central organization at one time, which would allow it to enter the program anyway. Number 201 REPRESENTATIVE FRAN ULMER moved passage of HB 209 from House State Affairs. Number 217 House Bill 209 was moved from House State Affairs by a 7-0 vote.