SB 90: DECLARATION OF DISASTER EMERGENCIES TAPE 93-32, SIDE B Number 000 CHAIRMAN VEZEY deferred taking action on 2D SSHB 37, and read the title to SB 90. He then invited SB 90's sponsor to the table for his statement. Number 024 SENATOR LOREN LEMAN, PRIME SPONSOR OF SB 90, explained the bill's intent to clarify the relationship between the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) and the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs (DMVA) in the event of an emergency. He stated SB 90 would give the DMVA the capability to declare an emergency in the event of an Exxon Valdez type oil spill which, he believed, brought about the need for this bill. He further believed SB 90 was consistent with a memo of agreement between the DEC and the DMVA after the Exxon Valdez oil spill. Number 074 REPRESENTATIVE ULMER understood SB 90 to be a "housekeeping" bill, but wanted to make sure the committee was not making a policy decision. SENATOR LEMAN clarified SB 90 was not a policy decision, but rather a clarification of duties between the two agencies that had previously been discussed on the House floor. Number 112 JEFF MORRISON, DIRECTOR, ADMINISTRATIVE AND SUPPORT SERVICES DIVISION, DMVA, assured the committee the DMVA is in full agreement with the intent of SB 90. Number 122 CHAIRMAN VEZEY MOVED passage of SB 90 from committee. SB 90 PASSED from committee by a 7-0 vote.