HJR 15: 100 DAY SESSION LIMIT HJR 5: 90 DAY SESSION & FEBRUARY CONVENING DATE HJR 9: VOTER APPROVAL FOR NEW TAXES Number 374 CHAIRMAN VEZEY asked if there were any further comments on HJR 15 and HJR 5. Hearing none, these bills were held in committee for further consideration. He read the title of HJR 9 and asked for testimony. Number 389 REPRESENTATIVE MARTIN, PRIME SPONSOR of HJR 9, restated prior testimony regarding HJR 9. He reminded the committee, HJR 9 allowed the public to decide if there would be a tax increase. Number 439 REPRESENTATIVE ULMER opposed the concept, because currently the oil and gas industry was paying Alaska's tax bill. Number 475 REPRESENTATIVE PETE KOTT stated legislators did not always complete tasks they were sent to do. "The public should get to check us to balance the democracy with true representation," he said. He asked the committee to move HJR 9 to the Judiciary Committee which was the next committee of referral. Number 493 REPRESENTATIVE G. DAVIS had a bit of a problem with HJR 9 because of his municipal background. CHAIRMAN VEZEY asked Representative G. Davis to explain the mill rate since he had a municipal background. Number 511 REPRESENTATIVE G. DAVIS described the mill rate. CHAIRMAN VEZEY called the roll vote for HJR 9 with three yeas and three neas. And so HJR 9 was held in committee for further consideration.