Number 257 HJR 5: 90 DAY SESSION & FEBRUARY CONVENING DATE CHAIRMAN VEZEY thanked Representative Kott for his testimony, and asked if there were any comments on HJR 5, which related to the same subject. Number 285 REPRESENTATIVE KOTT discussed the difference between SSHJR 15, which had a 100 day limit to HJR 5, which had a limit of 90 days. He noted that in HJR 5 the first day of session did not count whereas in SSHJR 15 the first day was included, which closed the difference in time to only nine days. The major difference was that in HJR 5 the starting date was the fourth Monday in February, while the starting date in SSHJR 15 was the second Monday in January, with the exception of gubernatorial election years. On those years it would be the third Monday in January, he said. Number 307 CHAIRMAN VEZEY summarized the differences and pointed out the adjournment date in HJR 5 would be later in May. Number 331 REPRESENTATIVE KOTT discussed the scheduling and hearing of bills with a change in the length of session. Number 345 CHAIRMAN VEZEY asked if there were any more comments or testimony regarding HJR 5. There being none, HJR 5 was held in committee for further consideration.