HJR 11: REPEAL OF REGULATIONS BY LEGISLATURE Number 442 CHAIRMAN VEZEY noted there were no further comments regarding HJR 1 and HJR 8, so he moved on to HJR 9. He read the title and then asked for comments. With no comments he moved on to HJR 11. He stepped back to HJR 8 and HJR 1 to ask the committee for an amendment. Number 470 REPRESENTATIVE OLBERG commented on amending HJR 8 and HJR 1. Number 474 CHAIRMAN VEZEY said that the amendment should state an exclusion to sections in the Constitution which related to the Permanent Fund. Number 482 REPRESENTATIVE MARTIN included sources of revenue to the amendment conversation. Number 501 REPRESENTATIVE OLBERG asked if there would be an open door to amend the Constitution and thus open up the excluded sections. Number 505 CHAIRMAN VEZEY stated that sections would be restricted. Number 516 REPRESENTATIVE OLBERG restated his concern for the Permanent Fund and requested the Office of the Attorney General write an opinion on whether restricting sections from being amended would protect the Fund. Number 530 CHAIRMAN VEZEY reminded members that each Saturday would be teleconferenced and that members may join the meeting by teleconference when they were out of town. He also reminded them that in order to have a quorum or to vote, members must be present in Juneau. ADJOURNMENT With no further comments on HJR 11, Chairman Vezey adjourned the meeting at 8:35 a.m.