HCR 9: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FISHING QUOTAS Number 466 BOB HERRON, LEGISLATIVE AIDE TO REPRESENTATIVE LYMAN HOFFMAN, PRIME SPONSOR OF HCR 9, told the committee that HCR 9 recognizes the success of the CDQ (Community Development Quota) program, and pointed out the involvement of three departments in that program: The ADF&G, Community and Regional Affairs, and the DCED. The resolution, he explained, calls for the reauthorization of the CDQ program and asks that the state draft a comprehensive fisheries policy that includes CDQs. Number 480 REPRESENTATIVE MULDER liked the concept, and commented that the CDQ program was a positive one. He asked why the section regarding the fisheries policy had been included in HCR 9. Number 488 MR. HERRON replied that the state needs such a policy, and it should be a long-term goal. VICE CHAIRMAN HUDSON added his praise for the CDQ program, and said he would like to see HCR 9 include language speaking in opposition to the Individual Fisheries Quota (IFQ) program. Number 500 REPRESENTATIVE JAMES referred to section four of HCR 9, and noted that the state had not established a clear policy and should start working toward that goal. REPRESENTATIVE MULDER remarked that development of a comprehensive fisheries policy could result in a horrendous fiscal note. Number 520 VICE CHAIRMAN HUDSON made a MOTION to move CSHCR 9 (FSH) and the accompanying zero fiscal note from committee with individual recommendations. Number 526 CHAIRMAN WILLIAMS asked if there were any objections to the motion. Hearing none, the MOTION PASSED.