SJR 11-SUPPORTING U.S. VETERANS' HEALTH CARE [Contains discussion of HB 44.] 1:28:25 PM CHAIR ROSES announced that the next order of business would be SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 11, "Supporting federal funding for veterans' health care and urging the United States Congress to ensure adequate funding for veterans' health care." 1:28:45 PM SENATOR BILL WIELECHOWSKI, Alaska State Legislature, speaking as the sponsor, introduced SJR 11. Senator Wielechowski informed the committee that the resolution urges the U. S. Congress to provide adequate funding for veterans' health care. He paraphrased from the resolution: The United States Department of Veterans Affairs provides medical care for veterans who have risked their lives to protect the security of the nation; and the department provides a wide range of specialized services to meet the unique needs of veterans, including treatment and care for spinal cord injury, blindness, traumatic brain injury, post traumatic stress disorder, amputation injuries, mental health and substance abuse, and conditions requiring long- term care; in addition, the department trains health care personnel, conducts medical research and serves as backup to the U.S. Department of Defense, and supporting communities in times of crisis. Senator Wielechowski continued to explain that the office of Veterans Affairs (VA) has been consistently underfunded. In fact, the Governmental Accountability Office (GAO) reported that there is a lack of resources and staffing in the office to process veteran's claims. Furthermore, funding lags behind medical inflation and the increased demand for services; in fact, the enrollment demand for services increased 134 percent from FY 1996 to FY 2004. Senator Wielechowski pointed out that the resolution fulfills two purposes: expresses the gratitude of the Alaska State Legislature to veterans for their service; and urges the U.S. Congress to ensure adequate funding for veterans' health care. 1:31:06 PM MAURICE BAILEY, President, Vietnam Veterans of America, Chapter 903, stated his support for SJR 11 in order to take care of the veterans. 1:31:55 PM PENNY FIERROS, Community Liaison, Veteran's Aviation Outreach (VAO), expressed her belief that it is important to pass SJR 11, along with HB 44, in order to effectively reach veterans and help them achieve their benefits. 1:32:31 PM DAVE GLENN, Member, Vietnam Veterans of America, Chapter 903; Pilot, Veteran's Aviation Outreach, expressed his support for SJR 11. He informed the committee that he is a participant in the Department of Veterans' Affairs (VA) medical system and, although it does the best it can, there is room for improvement. 1:33:10 PM TOM BAIRD, Vice President, Vietnam Veterans of America, Chapter 903; Vice President, Veterans Aviation Outreach; Member, Military Order of the Purple Heart, indicated his support for SJR 11 in the hope that the funding for the VA can be made less subjective and more objective and, thereby, make more assured funding. 1:33:57 PM GEORGE BENNETT SR., Vietnam Veteran, told of his opportunity to travel to many communities in Southeast. While working with veterans he has found that veterans share the same problems. Although there are hospitals for Native veterans, the drawback is that the veterans often need to go to Seattle or to Anchorage for treatment. Mr. Bennett pointed out that local clinics can not service victims of Agent Orange. He expressed his hope that the bill will address the shortcomings of the health system that serves Native veterans, and all veterans, statewide. 1:35:41 PM DIANE BENSON informed the committee that she is a member of the Anchorage Chamber of Commerce Military Appreciation Committee, but that she is testifying on her own behalf. She further explained that her son was severely wounded in 2005, and that she spent three and one-half months at Walter Reed Army Medical Center with him. In addition, she has spent a great deal of time communicating with other families of wounded warriors about the special problems that they experience as they make the transition from service into the VA health care system. Ms. Benson noted that she is also in contact with VA officials. She expressed her dismay at the necessity of SJR 11 and commended those involved with its passage. Ms. Benson explained that injuries from the war in Iraq are unique for two reasons: the extent of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and "Iraq infections." Iraq infections are ongoing problems caused by bone fragments contaminated by sand and from Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs). She said that the infections warrant continuing health care concerns for veterans and their families. She suggested the addition to SJR 11 of "not limited to" on page 1, line [13], following "including." Her experience shows that it is impossible to list all of the concerns and injuries that are dealt with under the VA health care system. Ms. Benson continued to say that PTSD is not being adequately diagnosed and treated and additional funding will be needed to treat its wide spread effects on veterans. She then reminded the committee that assured funding is [the country's] obligation. 1:39:55 PM RIC DAVIDGE, State Council President, Vietnam Veterans of America; Chairman, Alaska Veteran's Foundation, Inc., stated that all veteran's organizations are in agreement that the process to fund veteran's health care needs to be changed. Currently, veteran's health care funding is a component of the Department of Defense construction budget. This process does not provide the VA planners with reliable, sufficient, and timely funding for facilities and medical care. Formula funding for veteran's health care will be based on the number of veterans enrolled and the number of those eligible. At this time, there are seven million veterans enrolled; some receive disability at their discharge from service and some disorders, such as the effects of exposure to Agent Orange, and PTSD, show up after discharge. Mr. Davidge opined that a structured system will take the funding out of partisan control. He continued to say that he is a critic of sending veterans out-of-state for treatment that is available in Alaska, and he re-stated that this bill is of the highest priority to all nine of the national veteran's service organizations. 1:44:36 PM JUAN GUERRERU, Member, Alaska Member, Chapter of the Veterans of Modern Warfare; Family Ties Foundation, expressed his belief that this resolution needs to pass as soon as possible to support veterans. 1:45:06 PM TIM WHEELER, Secretary, Alaska Veterans Business Alliance, stated that his organization supports the immediate passage of the resolution. 1:45:22 PM KEVIN DAVID MCGEE, President, American Federation of Government Employees Local 3028, expressed his support of SJR 11. He noted that the lack of predictability and methodology in the VA Health care process threatens to unravel the accomplishments of the health care system. Mr. McGee stressed that VA health care must be funded on a mandatory system based on the number of enrollees. In 2008, appropriators proposed increased funding, however, politics got in the way once again. Funding delays cause many problems for veterans and for the medical facilities. McGee pointed out that VA hospitals excel in many areas but discretionary funding limits sufficient staffing and purchases of necessary equipment. He re-stated his support of the passage of SJR 11. 1:49:11 PM JOHN YOUMANS, Vice President, Alaska Veterans Business Alliance, expressed his organization's support of SJR 11. He related his experience that shows that this bill is greatly needed. 1:49:36 PM RON SIEBELS, Representative, Alaska Military Order of the Purple Heart, expressed his support of SJR 11. He opined that this [funding] is owed to the veterans in fairness. 1:50:13 PM CHAIR ROSES closed public testimony and thanked the veterans and their families for their service. 1:50:30 PM REPRESENTATIVE DAHLSTROM asked for the sponsor's reaction to the addition suggested by Diane Benson. 1:51:27 PM SENATOR WIELECHOWSKI stated that the statement is inclusive by the words "and conditions requiring long-term care." However, he said that he had no objection to the addition by the committee. 1:51:46 PM REPRESENTATIVE DAHLSTROM agreed. 1:51:59 PM REPRESENTATIVE LEDOUX asked how to get veteran's health care to villages and to the rural areas of the state. 1:52:24 PM SENATOR WIELECHOWSKI responded that the state needs to continue to put pressure on the federal government to fulfill its responsibility to honor promises made to the military. 1:52:59 PM REPRESENTATIVE DAHLSTROM moved to report SJR 11, 25-LS0829\E, out of committee with individual recommendations and the accompanying zero fiscal note. Hearing no opposition, SJR 11 was reported from the House Special Committee on Military and Veterans' Affairs.