HB 75: QUALIFICATIONS FOR PFD'S BY MILITARY Number 052 CHAIRMAN MULDER, PRIME SPONSOR, described HB 75. He stated that it would extend for full military personnel the time exemption that they are allowed to be gone from the state for the permanent fund dividends (PFD). Chairman Mulder asked that the time limit for military personnel to return back to the state to qualify for PFD's be lifted from two years to four years. Chairman Mulder stated that the reason to expand the time limit is to take into consideration the changing nature of the military and the longer periods of overseas duty. REP. WILLIS asked about the constitutionality of HB 98. Number 064 REP. MULDER stated that their was a constitutional question and that question was whether you should allow only military personnel to receive the time expansion. Chairman Mulder stated that he was not sure that this hurtle could be overcome, but he wanted to show support for military personnel. Number 078 REP. WILLIS stated that he had a daughter that was a college student that lost out on the PFD'S because she could not return within the two year limit. Number 094 REP. FOSTER asked that HB 75 be moved out with individual recommendations. CHAIRMAN MULDER asked if there was any discussion. Number 095 REP. KOTT asked if this bill created a dull class within the military itself, and therefore, the constitutionality of this bill would be challenged. Rep. Kott asked the committee if they were moving something out of the committee that was unconstitutional. CHAIRMAN MULDER stated he was not sure the constitutionality of this bill could be overcome. Chairman Mulder said it was not the intent of the chair to push this bill if the constitutional question could not be answered. Chairman Mulder stated that if the constitutional question could be answered he would push the bill. Chairman Mulder explained that the intent was to show support for military personnel. Number 112 CHAIRMAN MULDER asked if there was further discussion. Seeing no further discussion, Chairman Mulder ordered HB 75 to be moved out by individual recommendation. There was general discussion about future bills in the House Special Committee on Military and Veterans Affairs. (Rep. Navarre arrived at 5:12 p.m.) ADJOURNMENT CHAIRMAN MULDER adjourned the meeting at 5:28 p.m.