HB 343-PREMIUM FINANCE COMPANIES : EXAM REQS  3:53:44 PM CHAIR KITO announced that the next order of business would be HOUSE BILL NO. 343, "An Act relating to examination of premium finance companies." 3:53:56 PM MIKE NAVARRE, Commissioner designee, Department of Commerce, Community & Economic Development (DCCED), introduced HB 343 on behalf of the House Rules Committee by request of the governor. He explained that the proposed bill would exempt premium finance companies from a required 18-month examination cycle because no problems had been found with the companies. He added there would be ongoing examinations, just not every 18 months. 3:55:12 PM CHAIR KITO asked if the examinations would only take place if there were a complaint. 3:55:33 PM PATRICE WALSH, Chief Examiner, Division of Banking and Securities, Department of Commerce, Community & Economic Development (DCCED), answered questions in the hearing on HB 343. She answered in the affirmative. She added that the exams currently are only carried out every 18 months and there had not been any significant findings. CHAIR KITO said that he has a concern that if someone is looking over his shoulder every 18 months, he's going to behave better than if he knows there will only be controls if there is a complaint. MS. WALSH said that licensees do have an annual renewal with a mini-exam. CHAIR KITO asked if the department would be doing "desk audits" to check for anomalies. MS. WALSH answered in the affirmative. 3:57:53 CHAIR KITO opened public testimony on HB 343. CHAIR KITO held over HB 343.