SJR 51 - SUPPORT FOR SITKA FIBERBOARD PLANT Number 014 SENATOR ROBIN L. TAYLOR, Prime Sponsor of SJR 51, agreed with Chairman Hudson that it was timely to hear this resolution, as the United States Forest Service Chief would be making a decision by April 15, 1994, regarding the extension of the contract to purchase timber off of the national forest. He mentioned the concern that sufficient time be allowed for investigating the economic feasibility of a medium density fiberboard mill. He said if this proves viable, he thinks it complies with the restrictions and requirements of the forest service contract because it would be providing for the primary processing facility for timber harvested off of their lands. He said he does not think the word "pulp mill" necessarily means there is a dissolving cellulose process or a medium density fiberboard process. Senator Taylor thanked the committee for addressing this issue. Number 034 REP. SITTON moved that SJR 51 with individual recommendations be passed out of committee. Number 037 CHAIRMAN HUDSON, hearing no objection, declared SJR 51 with individual recommendations and zero fiscal note was so moved.