Number 057 HB 139 - ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY LOAN GUARANTEES REP. JOHN DAVIES, PRIME SPONSOR OF HB 139, read a sponsor statement. Rep. Davies explained that HB 139 is a "jobs bill" that will help people experiencing disabilities improve their ability to get and keep a job or live independently. Number 124 CHAIRMAN HUDSON inquired if the $100,000.00 referenced in the bill was available now. REP. DAVIES answered that it was. Number 141 DAN LABROUSE, DEAF COMMUNITY SERVICES, testified via teleconference in support of HB 139. Mr. LaBrouse stated that in his experience assistive technology would be of benefit to many Alaskans. Mr. Labrouse noted that assistive technology would be helpful in providing the means for some people to lead a more productive life, including the opportunity for more meaningful jobs. Number 168 TOM TORVIE, ACCESS ALASKA, testified via teleconference in support of HB 139. Mr. Torvie echoed the comments of Mr. LaBrouse. Number 229 PAULA SMITH, VOCATIONAL REHABILITATION, testified in favor of HB 139. Ms. Smith noted that the Department of Education supports this bill. It would meet an identified need by a group of individuals in the State of Alaska which is not now being addressed. It is recommended that the mechanics of the loan guarantee and interest subsidies be clarified. Other than student loans by the Commission on Post Secondary Education, the Department is not in the loan business, and does not have the infrastructure to support significant responsibilities in this area. This would best be handled by banking institutions. Number 270 REP. MULDER asked if the state would in effect be the co- signer of a loan provided. MS. SMITH responded that it would and noted that the program would guarantee 90 percent of a loan from another institution. Discussion ensued as to the mechanics of the loan program. Number 346 REP. MULDER moved to delete "and" on page 2, line 16, and renumber accordingly. REP. GREEN moved to add a friendly amendment to Rep. Mulder's amendment. No objections were noted; it was so ordered. REP. GREEN asked what collateral would be asked for. MS. SMITH replied that the program would require collateral. REP. DAVIES added that all of the loans would go through the standard banking scrutiny. Number 462 MICHAEL DAVIS, SOUTHEAST ALASKA INDEPENDENT LIVING, testified in support of the bill and listed three primary reasons: 1) He has seen many people who couldn't otherwise get the assistance needed to purchase the assistive technology. 2) The bill allows for the parents of persons needing this technology to obtain it for their children. 3) It allows disabled citizens the dignity to apply for loans themselves. Number 510 REP. DAVIES noted that the banking industry is supportive of the program. REP. MULDER moved for passage of CSHB 139(L&C) with a zero fiscal note. No objections were heard; it was so ordered.