HB 181-STATE COMMISSION FOR CIVIL RIGHTS  5:13:43 PM CHAIR VANCE announced that the final order of business would be HOUSE BILL NO. 181, "An Act renaming the State Commission for Human Rights the Alaska State Commission for Civil Rights; relating to removal of commissioners of the Alaska State Commission for Civil Rights; relating to reports from the Alaska State Commission for Civil Rights; relating to the definition of 'employer' for the purposes of the Alaska State Commission for Civil Rights; and relating to local civil rights commissions." 5:14:12 PM REPRESENTATIVE CARPENTER moved to adopt proposed committee substitute (CS) for HB 181, Version 33-LS0651\U, Bergerud, 5/8/23, as the work draft. REPRESENTATIVE ALLARD objected. CHAIR VANCE invited Mr. Corbisier to give an overview of Version U, as recommended by the Alaska State Commission for Human Rights (ASCHR). 5:14:42 PM ROB CORBISIER, Executive Director, Alaska State Commission for Human Rights (ASCHR), gave an overview of the changes in the proposed CS for HB 181, Version U, on behalf of the House Judiciary Standing Committee, sponsor by request, chaired by Representative Vance. In Section 3, a provision designating the statewide assessment as a separate report was removed. Additionally, Representative Allard's request for electronic delivery was included. He explained that Section 4 created an affirmative defense for an employment claim of discrimination for religious corporations, associations, educational institutions, or societies, as well as employees hired to engage in activities that are ecclesiastical, spiritual, or religious. Section 7 changed the definition of employer, per the commission's resolution. All remaining sections aligned with the previous version of the bill. 5:17:42 PM A roll call vote was taken. Representatives Groh, Carpenter, Eastman, and Vance voted in favor of adopting CSHB 181, Version 33-LS0651\U, Bergerud, 5/8/23, as the work draft. No representatives voted against it. Therefore, Version U was adopted by a vote of 4-0. CHAIR VANCE announced that Version U would be held over.