HHES - 03/23/95 SB 62 - BIRTH CERTIFICATES FOR CERTAIN ADOPTEES Number 060 SENATOR LYDA GREEN presented her bill. She said it has been her pleasure to sponsor this bill. Before 1982, Alaska did not have a provision for granting birth certificates to foreign born adopted children. In 1982 when Alaska passed such a law, it was the first state to do so. At that same time, a provision was included that prohibited anyone over the age of 18 from applying for a birth certificate. SENATOR GREEN explained those persons who were over 18 at that time were excluded from ever receiving an Alaska birth certificate. This bill allows those who were adopted as children, but who are now adults, to not be excluded from receiving a birth certificate. Both the U.S. Immigration Office and Division of Vital Statistics anticipate no great impact. This does not allow individuals over the age of 18 to be adopted, since federal law prohibits anyone over that age from being adopted. SENATOR GREEN said this bill would not be an avenue by which a person living in this country could adopt his/her grandmother to make her an automatic citizen of the U.S. This bill is designed for that very small group of people who fell through that window of time and are not allowed to get an Alaska birth certificate. Number 187 CO-CHAIR BUNDE asked Senator Green to remain at the meeting for a moment. He noted the presence of Representatives Robinson and Brice, who joined the meeting at 2:08 p.m. Number 219 MAXINE DEVILBISS, Parent, testified via teleconference. She and her husband adopted their son Brian from Korea when he was three years old. At the same time, there were a number of other adoptions from Korea. These are children of American Servicemen and Korean women, conceived during the Korean War. When Brian was adopted, Mr. and Mrs. Devilbiss assumed he would receive a birth certificate. They found out they could not get a birth certificate for him. MS. DEVILBISS worked for many years to get a bill through that would allow overseas children to receive Alaskan birth certificates. However, she was amazed to find out that the situation was not retroactive. She appreciates the bill that Senator Green has put forth. The bill will allow Brian, who is 35 years old, to have a birth certificate. There have been times when he has needed one. This measure will be appreciated by Brian and by other adoptees who were over 18 when the 1982 bill was passed. She really appreciates the consideration of this bill. Number 352 CO-CHAIR BUNDE thanked Ms. Devilbiss for her kind words and for her testimony. There were no questions for Ms. Devilbiss, and there was no further public testimony. CO-CHAIR CYNTHIA TOOHEY apologized for waiting this long to pass a bill such as this. She motioned that the bill be moved to the next committee of referral with individual recommendations and accompanying fiscal notes. There were no objections, and the bill was so moved. Number 433 MS. DEVILBISS thanked HESS Committee members on the behalf of her son. She said her son is a very wonderful Alaskan citizen. He has his own business, and Alaska can be proud of him. She wished HESS Committee members good luck and thanked them again.