HHES - 02/23/95 ROBERT CLARK, Chief Executive Officer, Bristol Bay Area Health Corporation (BBAHC), spoke on HB 182, which is an Act allowing a dentist to delegate certain duties to a dental assistant. Mr. Clark had spoken to the Chief of Staff at the BBAHC who is tied in with the dental society. A lot of the bush hospitals work very closely with the private sector in Anchorage and elsewhere. The BBAHC serves most people in that area because there is just not any other place to receive health care. Therefore, it serves both Natives and non-Natives, even though the BBAHC is technically a government hospital system. MR. CLARK said that it was good that they served everyone, and the hospital association would continue to serve everyone. The BBAHC has trained a lot of assistants to perform functions that legally they are not allowed to provide, and particularly, bill for. Most people, including hygienists who cannot be everywhere, especially the bush, believe that this practice is safe and it prevents situations that will cost a lot of money later. He believes the HESS Committee members will be receiving letters to that effect. He is excited about the bill. CO-CHAIR TOOHEY asked Mr. Clark to provide some people and letters to testify in favor of the bill.