Number 440 MARC GROBER testified via teleconference from Nenana in support of HB 82. He said school districts select hearing officers from a limited list compiled by DOE, according to statute, which he said meant officers favorably disposed to the school districts. He said Ms. Howe might be lying about DOE's use of the CINA statute. According to MR. GROBER, "We raised the China act issues last year. We also spoke to Barbara Rauch, who is the, a compliance officer who was with the state. Ms. Rauch clearly stated that she had never heard from the state of Alaska regarding CINA. In fact, there is no such process as Myra described in place now. At present time that is the reason that the federal government wanted to make sure that there was something in place. In point of fact, the CINA act specifically provides for recourse where there is neglect, including educational neglect. There are ample protections, and it is a very well thought out procedure, that provides counsel to the parents and to the child." He said the due process Ms. Howe discussed does not provide counsel to parents and was a "shadow process." MR. GROBER said he knew of several examples in which school districts have refused to provide services for gifted children. He said the three-year evaluations were not just for eligibility, but also for maintaining an understanding of the child's needs. He said IEP meetings included no assessment or evaluation. Number 472 CHAIR BUNDE interrupted to remind Mr. Grober that he had exceeded the testimony limit. Number 475 PAUL VERHAGEN, PARENT OF GIFTED CHILDREN, testified via teleconference from Nenana in support of HB 82. He expressed strong dissatisfaction with the amount of public notice of the hearing, and asked the committee not to pass HB 235. He said he did not disagree that changes were necessary, but had hoped for more public notice of any changes.