SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 17 Urging the United States Congress to provide a means for consistently sharing, on an ongoing basis, revenue generated from oil and gas development on the outer continental shelf with all coastal energy-producing states to ensure that those states develop, support, and maintain necessary infrastructure and preserve environmental integrity. Co-Chair Meyer noted for the record that he works for an oil company that does offshore exploring in Alaska. SENATOR BILL WIELECHOWSKI, SPONSOR, explained that SJR 17 urges Congress to provide Alaska with a fair share of federal revenue from oil and gas leasing and development off Alaska's coast. Under current law, Alaska receives virtually no revenue from oil and gas leasing and development that occurs more than six miles off the coast. The federal government has allowed other states 37.5 percent of revenues from newly leased federal waters off their coasts. Like other energy-producing states, Alaska bears the costs of infrastructure in support of offshore development, and coastal resources and residents bear the impacts of that development. (Sponsor Statement, Copy on File) 7:48:30 PM Co-Chair Meyer asked if Cook Inlet was considered state waters. Senator Wielechowski thought Cook Inlet was state waters. He said the states get no revenues after 6 miles. A lot of leases occur 60 miles out in the Chukchi Sea. Co- Chair Meyer asked if Representative Joule's district would be affected. Senator Wielechowski said it would be. Vice-Chair Stoltze asked about sending the Resolution to delegations of other states. Senator Wielechowski said the other state most affected by the issue is California. 7:50:06 PM Representative Gara wondered if Alaska would get any of the money retroactively. Vice-Chair Stoltze spoke to the polar bear issue. Vice-Chair Stoltze MOVED to REPORT SJR 17 out of Committee with individual recommendations and with the accompanying fiscal note. There being NO OBJECTION, it was so ordered. SJR 17 was REPORTED out of Committee with a "do pass" recommendation and with zero fiscal note #1 by the Senate Resources Committee.