HOUSE BILL NO. 241 An Act relating to optional exemptions from municipal property taxes on residential property. Representative Chenault MOVED to RESCIND previous action taken on passing CS HB 241 (FIN) out of Committee in order to address Amendment #1 dealing with the optional municipal tax exemption for residences of law enforcement officers located within certain eligible areas. There being NO OBJECTION, action was rescinded. Representative Chenault MOVED to ADOPT work draft #23- LS0851\U, Cook, 4/23/04, as the version of the legislation before the Committee, which clarifies the concern. There being NO OBJECTION, it was adopted. Representative Chenault explained that under Amendment #1, an eligible area is one that is eligible for designation as a special zone or an area under certain federal programs, or is an area with a statistically higher crime rate. The federal programs are identified by common names rather than by citation of federal laws or regulations. The new language would tie it into the federal program. Representative Chenault MOVED to report CS HB 241 (FIN) out of Committee and to use the previous individual rd recommendations adopted on the April 23, 2004 meeting. There being NO OBJECTION, it was so ordered. CS HB 241 (FIN) was reported out of Committee with a "do pass" recommendation and with an indeterminate note by the Department of Revenue and zero note #2 by the Department of Community & Economic Development.