HOUSE BILL NO. 54 "An Act relating to eavesdropping, telephone caller identification, and telephone directory listings and solicitations." Representative Brown explained that telephone caller identification is a new service that will be offered in Alaska. House Bill 54 mandates that there must be a free opportunity for consumers that do not want to participate to block their line. She maintained that the new service raises privacy implications. She noted that unlisted numbers would be diverged. She noted that persons involved in domestic violence, police activities and physicians might need to have the caller identification blocked. Representative Brown noted that telephone companies desire that per call blocking be required. She explained that callers would be required to dial a series of additional numbers in order to block the caller identification. She felt that this process would be burdensome. Representative Brown emphasized that harassing phone calls would be better addressed through call trace. Call trace would alert the police department when a harassing phone call is made. She added that call reject, priority ring and call block could be used to prevent unwanted calls. Representative Brown felt the cost of the service should be born by those that want the service and not consumers as a whole. Representative Martin asked who would pay for blocking a number out. Representative Brown answered that the charge for blocking would be covered out of the cost of those that prescribe for the service. She stressed that knowing the phone number of the person calling would not necessarily indicate that the call will be harassing. Representative Hanley felt that there should be a charge for individuals that have opted into the service and later decides to opt out of the service. CINDY SMITH, DIRECTOR, ALASKA NETWORK ON DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AND SEXUAL ASSAULT referred to problems associated with call identification. She stressed that Ms. Smith diverges the location of shelters, counselors and sexual assault victims. It also prevents contact by counselors and volunteers from contacting victims in their homes. It also affects "safe homes". She noted that many states that did not institute regulations have found it necessary to institute regulations. She stated that the Alaska Network on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault is greatly concerned that blocking be allowed for Ms. Smith. She clarified, for Representative Martin, that shelters do not collect numbers of those that call the shelters. MARCIA MCKENZIE, PROGRAM COORDINATOR, COUNCIL ON DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AND SEXUAL ASSAULT stated that the Council is concern that volunteer safe homes would be placed in danger. She noted that problems have occurred in other states that have instituted caller identification without offering the ability to block the service. She did not support the per dial blocking. Representative Martin asked if the legislation is needed to have their number blocked. Ms. McKenzie stated that the legislation mandates that the service be offered without charge. Representative Martin expressed concern that the original intention of allowing consumers to know the number of harassing phone calls is being nullified. Ms. McKenzie reiterated that phone tracing would allow the police to identify harassing phone calls. Co-Chair MacLean MOVED to report CSHB 54 (L&C) out of Committee with individual recommendations and with the accompanying fiscal note. There being NO OBJECTION, it was so ordered. CSHB 54 (L&C) was reported out of Committee with a "do pass" recommendation and with a zero fiscal note by the Department of Commerce and Economic Development, dated 3/17/93.