HB 197-LITERACY PROGRAM  8:10:48 AM CHAIR GATTIS announced that the first order of business would be HOUSE BILL NO. 197, "An Act requiring the establishment of a reading program in school districts for grades kindergarten through three; providing for student retention in grade three; and providing for a report on the reading program and on student retention." 8:11:18 AM REPRESENTATIVE DRUMMOND moved to adopt the committee substitute (CS) for HB 197, labeled 28-LS0515\O, Mischel, 2/21/14 as the working document. There being no objection, Version O was before the committee. 8:12:22 AM REPRESENTATIVE GABRIELLE LEDOUX, Alaska State Legislature, acknowledged her sponsorship of HB 197 and deferred to staff for presentation of HB 197, Version O. 8:12:36 AM LISA VAUGHT, Staff, Representative Gabrielle LeDoux, Alaska State Legislature, presented the committee substitute for HB 197, Version O, paraphrasing from a prepared document, which read as follows [original punctuation provided]: HB 197 requires local school districts to establish intensive reading programs from kindergarten through 3rd grade with the specific goal of ensuring that all students are reading proficiently by grade three. Research has demonstrated that during K through 3 students are learning to read, after that they are reading to learn. What this means is that if students are not reading proficiently in grade four and up they will fall farther and farther behind each year as their lessons become ever more reading focused. If a student cannot read their science lesson or history book they will not be able to successfully complete these classes and more importantly not learn the basic knowledge and skills required for the 21st century. This is why literacy-based programs are so essential at this stage of education. HB 197 requires school districts to be accountable for the performance of their students. It achieves this by requiring them to publish annual reports about student progress, their policies and procedures regarding how students are promoted from grade to grade, the number and percentage of students promoted for good cause, and details of any school board policy changes regarding promotion. HB 197 lays out a literacy-based promotion policy specifically designed for students to successfully demonstrate their ability to read, before entering 4th grade. A literacy-based promotion policy forces schools to organize their curriculum around reading instruction, so that schools focus more time and effort on reading and encouraging parental involvement. HB 197 stresses that schools incorporate a vast array of teaching strategies and interventions and utilize all the resources at their disposal, especially parental involvement. HB 197 will identify students with significant reading deficiencies early and create systems to address these before they get to the critical stage of 3rd grade. We want to avoid a child getting to third grade, taking their SBA's and are suddenly discovered to be below minimum standards. HB 197 forces the teachers, the parents, THE ADULTS, to focus on student literacy before it becomes a problem. It establishes reading programs early on and reinforces them throughout the years so that by the time they come to 3rd grade the students are prepared. Currently the Anchorage School District holds back only 0.05% of the student population. Nationally, Alaska rates 51st in low-income 4th grade reading scores, tied with inner-city Washington, DC. According to the NEA, in 2012, Alaska spent more on Education than any other state yet still managed to rank near the bottom. Nearly 90% of high school dropouts are below proficient in reading in 3rd grade. There is a strong association between dropping out of high school and lower income, more dependence on public assistance programs and higher incarceration rates. HB 197 is not about business as usual, retain and repeat, this is about early identification and intensive intervention and instruction. This is not a punishment, retention is not the goal. It is merely one segment of a strong combination of instruction and intervention techniques coupled with test-based promotion that makes the program successful. The intent of HB 197 is not to hold students back but to give them the tools necessary to become a prosperous, productive member of society. 8:16:34 AM REPRESENTATIVE DRUMMOND observed that the Anchorage school district has already been on board with this concept for some time. Awareness regarding the importance of early literacy is not a new concept, she said, stressing the need for children to arrive at school ready to read at the same level for maximum benefit throughout the grades. She said it would be interesting to know if those children who have not learned to read by third grade, manifesting as social ills and incarceration in adulthood, show a connection to a lack of early childhood education, as well. 8:17:48 AM CHAIR GATTIS interjected that the data would be good to have and could possibly be obtained from the [Department of Public Safety]. REPRESENTATIVE DRUMMOND said that longitudinal studies, as compiled by the Head Start agency, indicate the relevance of early literacy/learning and the connection to societal success as an adult. She indicated a lack of interest in supporting Version O, offering her view that it represents redundancy. 8:19:10 AM REPRESENTATIVE LEDOUX pointed out the need to employ many approaches, and said that Version O will provide another tool for addressing early childhood education. 8:19:27 AM THOMAS BROWN, Staff, Representative Gabrielle LeDoux, Alaska State Legislature, on behalf of the prime sponsor, pointed out that Version O is a measure to specifically address the area of early reading literacy. 8:20:24 AM REPRESENTATIVE DRUMMOND said Alaska has a huge waiting list for early education programs and the legislature has not been financially supportive. The data indicating the importance for early learning already exists. Unfortunately, she offered her belief that without financial support for providing early literacy programs, children are often in homes providing little exposure to books. One program receiving state funding, Best Beginnings [Alaska], has compiled data specific to high quality early childhood education, she offered, and said this information should not be ignored. She asked about a fiscal note. MS. VAUGHT responded that a fiscal note is being developed. 8:23:07 AM REPRESENTATIVE LEDOUX offered her belief that debating the merits for early childhood education is not relevant to Version O. She pointed out that waning literacy scores are identified with families at every income level and social strata, and are not restricted to low income households or Head Start eligible children. 8:23:47 AM CHAIR GATTIS opened public testimony on HB 197. 8:24:03 AM CARI MILLER, Policy Director, Foundation for Excellence in Education, state support for HB 197 and said an effective K-3 {kindergarten to third] grade policy is important. The fundamental principles should include: kindergarten screening; parental notification when deficits are identified; development of an individual reading plan designed in conjunction with the parents; third grade assessment to determine the need for intervention/retention; possible exemption for special needs or students with ESL challenges and options for demonstrating proficiency to allow promotion; and a retention component that requires an additional year of experience, which may be satisfied by attendance at a summer reading camp. Identified students will be monitored frequently to ensure that each individual is receiving the attention and support necessary. Nine states have adopted these fundamental principles and the data indicates broad success with literacy percentages showing significant increases, and attainment of benchmark reading achievements. Florida has been using this technique for ten years, she finished. 8:34:11 AM REPRESENTATIVE DRUMMOND requested the supporting data that was mentioned and asked about further history regarding the use of the program. MS. MILLER responded that Florida has been using this program for just over a decade and other states for three years or less. REPRESENTATIVE DRUMMOND requested a cost analysis. MS. MILLER indicated that Florida has repurposed funding to cover the costs. The drop-out prevention funding was earmarked for summer reading camps. Additionally, professional development monies were redirected to support the K-3 literacy program. She offered to provide further financial information. 8:38:39 AM REPRESENTATIVE LEDOUX said many Alaskan school districts already practice a number of these fundamentals, but not the retention aspect, and asked whether the elimination of social promotion alone might create a fiscal burden. MS. MILLER agreed that having a child in school for an additional year does add cost. However, she explained, to fund one additional school year is cost effective considering societal costs to support a student who develops into a drop- out; often requiring welfare, food stamps and other social funding. 8:42:13 AM REPRESENTATIVE DRUMMOND noted the number of the mentioned fundamentals that would include a cost factor, such as summer reading camps or extending the school day, week, or year for identified students. She agreed that retaining a child could add cost to a school district, and suggested the same money could be as useful if directed towards highly effective pre- school programs. Further, she asked what the ten year cost has been for operating the summer reading camps, small reading groups, and day/week/year extension programs. MS. MILLER offered to provide further information. She acknowledged that these aspects of the fundamental program carry a cost and indicated how Florida handled the redirection of funding to meet the need; repurposing of the drop-out prevention funds has been the primary source. REPRESENTATIVE DRUMMOND noted that with the fourth year of flat or reduced school funding in Alaska, many of the schools have closed summer programs, which were intended as drop-out prevention measures. 8:44:58 AM BOB GRIFFIN, Volunteer, Alaska Policy Forum, testified in support of HB 197, paraphrasing from a prepared statement, which read as follows [original punctuation provided]: As a longtime advocate for improving public education, HB 197 is the number one priority for legislation that I'm supporting in Juneau this year. Early childhood literacy is at crisis proportions in Alaska. In the 2013 NAEP test scores for low-income kids we dropped to 51st (behind low-income kids in DC) in 4th grade reading. Our upper and middle income kids are not doing much better. In 2013 they dropped to 49th in NAEP testing when we were 44th just 10 years ago. I have attended dozens of K-12 education conferences all over the US and I have not come across a more effective method of improving student outcomes than legislation setting the standards for minimum 3rd grade literacy. Large quantities of research indicate that when kids do not attain basic literacy by age 9 or 10 they are unlikely to catch-up later. Social promotion of illiterate students at the critical transition of using reading skills to learn is not doing any favors to those children. Nearly identical legislation is already in effect in a dozen states and it has been producing fantastic results. Florida, was the first to try this legislation back in 2002. In the 2003 NAEP testing Florida was 28th in low-income 4th grade reading. By 2013 they were 1st. According to 2013 NAEP test scores, low income Hispanic 4th graders in Florida read at a higher comprehension level than the average Alaskan 4th grader. It's interesting to note that according to the latest NEA publication, "Rankings and Estimates," Alaska was 1st in per capita K-12 funding in 2010 and Florida was 48th. Our kids are bright; Our teachers are dedicated; Our parents are loving; There's no reason we can't do better. 8:48:20 AM CHAIR GATTIS asked how first and second grade students demonstrating literacy challenges are being addressed. MR. GRIFFIN answered that with known accountability at the third grade level, the earlier grades appear to focus effort on getting students more prepared for third grade. 8:50:07 AM CHAIR GATTIS asked how early literacy is currently addressed in Alaska, and what should be occurring. 8:50:19 AM SUSAN MCCAULEY, Director, Teaching and Learning Support, Department of Education and Early Development (EED), said that the state has an established policy. Alaska took a step further last year in requiring early literacy screening for kindergarten-second grade. Third grade assessments have been in place and the need for early literacy is understood. She directed attention to page 5, lines 13-25, requiring the department to monitor and audit on specified time lines. She said the department will be looking at these two requirements to determine the best means to respond/comply. 8:53:38 AM CHAIR GATTIS asked whether the department supports Version O. MS. MCCAULEY said the department considers that the bill is consistent with what is understood to be helpful for students. 8:54:42 AM CHAIR GATTIS considered the rural areas that may not have sufficient staff available and asked how the department will address these situations. MS. MCCAULEY pointed out the bill does not require or permit the department to trump local district literacy decisions. The department will be monitoring districts but it will need to be made clear what elements are to be monitored. Certainly EED will provide districts the necessary professional development opportunities and make recommendations as necessary. 8:57:12 AM REPRESENTATIVE DRUMMOND asked whether data, from the regulations adopted in [2013] establishing early literacy screening, have been compiled. MS. MCCAULEY answered no. She explained that the regulation requiring the screening assessments, to be conducted at a minimum of once a year, had the first assessment window beginning April 1 [2014]. The department will receive this initial literacy data as part of [each district's] annual submission in July [2014]. REPRESENTATIVE DRUMMOND noted that the Anchorage School District begins kindergarten classes on a one week delay from the other grades. She reported that the delay is to allow parent/teacher/child the opportunity for 1:1 meetings/readiness assessments, and asked if early literacy screening occurs at that time. MS. MCCAULEY responded that the [Alaska Developmental Profile] is required for students throughout the state. She explained that it is a broad readiness assessment, not specific to early literacy. However, she added, the new screening requirements include specifications addressing literacy, which includes letter recognition and sounds. REPRESENTATIVE DRUMMOND queried whether the screenings indicate if a child has experienced any type of preschool program, which may give them a level of readiness. MS. MCCAULEY offered to provide further information. 9:00:07 AM CHAIR GATTIS inquired about the specifics of the [2013] regulation. MS. MCCAULEY answered that it is specific to, and explicitly, an early literacy screening assessment. CHAIR GATTIS stated her understanding that a child may demonstrate proficiency of letters and sounds, but inquiries pertaining to the source of early learning are not necessarily explored. MS. MCCAULEY answered she is correct. 9:00:52 AM REPRESENTATIVE DRUMMOND suggested the value and importance for including pre-school information in the screening. MS. MCCAULEY agreed. Although the district isn't able to confirm the action, it is possible that districts are including pre-school experience as part of the developmental profile. 9:02:10 AM POSIE BOGGS, Volunteer, Alaska International Dyslexia Association, stated support for HB 197 and stated many features of this measure are excellent. However, retention might need to be considered for first grade and expressed concern for teacher training. Teacher reading instruction competency tests exist and this is an area that should not be overlooked, she said. A literacy rich pre-kindergarten home is helpful, but parents cannot be expected to understand how to identify reading problems. Teacher training programs need to include science based literacy teaching techniques for best results, she finished. 9:07:11 AM REPRESENTATIVE DRUMMOND pointed out that pre-school is not a component of the bill, although, she offered her belief that it is still a valid line of questioning, and indicated interest in receiving further information regarding the teacher competency tests. She asked about the current state of identifying and teaching dyslexic students in today's public schools. MS. BOGGS responded how research indicates the ability to identify dyslexia as early as late pre-school and kindergarten, and remediation can begin in the early stages. However, this has not been translated via the higher education department for training teachers. The research is solid that intensive remediation is successful, when dyslexia is identified "early, early, early." She reported that in individual education program (IEP) meetings, the professionals refrain from using the term dyslexia, and offered her belief that this represents a denial of science; representing a core problem in the system. REPRESENTATIVE DRUMMOND concurred. She recalled that addressing dyslexia was a problem from 1994-2003, during the Representative's tenure on the local school board, and apparently it hasn't been resolved. She asked about the percentage of early learners that are identified as dyslexic. MS. BOGGS said in the nation at large a ratio of 1:5 or 15 percent of children will have some level of dyslexia, and "it's going to drive the bus." The problem of dyslexia is fixable, but the teacher's knowledge needs to be upgraded. In five years this could be accomplished, she said, and shared her vision for repurposing professional development funds to this end. REPRESENTATIVE DRUMMOND surmised that, given the dyslexia issue, retaining literacy challenged students in third grade would prove helpful. MS. BOGGS suggested retention for a dyslexic child in the third grade is too late, and reiterated the need for early identification/intervention, and opined for first grade retention. REPRESENTATIVE DRUMMOND agreed, and asked for copies of the research regarding dyslexia. MS. BOGGS added that the support a dyslexic child requires is no different than what is necessary for all children - only intensified. 9:15:03 AM CHAIR GATTIS closed public testimony on HB 197. 9:15:10 AM The committee took an at-ease at 9:15 a.m. 9:15:29 AM REPRESENTATIVE REINBOLD moved to report the proposed committee substitute (CS) for HB 197, Version O, labeled 28-LS0515\O, Mischel, 2/21/14, out of committee with individual recommendations and the [forthcoming] fiscal note. 9:15:48 AM REPRESENTATIVE DRUMMOND objected. 9:15:52 AM A roll call vote was taken. Representatives LeDoux, Reinbold, P. Wilson, and Gattis voted in favor of CSHB 197. Representative Drummond voted against it. Therefore, CSHB 197(EDC) was reported out of the House Education Standing Committee by a vote of 4-1.