HCRA - 01/31/95 MINUTES FOR THIS MEETING WERE PREPARED USING LOG NOTES AS TAPES WERE LOST. HB 80 - DNR APPROVAL OF PLATS IN UNORG BOROUGH CO-CHAIR IVAN then went on to invite Representative Jeannette James to come forward to introduce HB 80 as the bill sponsor. Number 567 REPRESENTATIVE JEANNETTE JAMES came forward and read the sponsor statement for HB 80 and explained the purpose behind HB 80. One problem she felt the bill had was in trying to define the word 'subdivision' such the Department of Transportation couldn't come and ask for certain things to be exempted. She mentioned that this bill was around during the last legislative session and she hoped that this issued could be resolved during this session. Number 614 CO-CHAIR IVAN recognized the attendance of Representative Davies. Number 618 REPRESENTATIVE MACKIE asked a question of Representative James concerning HB 80 to which she answered. Number 626 CO-CHAIR IVAN invited other committee members to come forth with their questions and comments. He then went on to recognize Ike Waits on teleconference from Anchorage. Number 633 IKE WAITS stated that he wanted Rick Elliot to proceed with is testimony first and that he was just there to offer backup and support. Number 638 CO-CHAIR IVAN invited Rick Elliot to come forward to testify. Number 639 RICK ELLIOT listed points of importance concerning HB 80. The first being that the language should be clarified more with all the exemptions listed in one paragraph. The second point he mentioned was the exception of leasing as a municipal trust land and to include as exempted, subdivision. His third point was to specify the limited amendment to the statement and make it simple. Number 688 CO-CHAIR IVAN asked for questions or comments from the committee. Number 689 REPRESENTATIVE JAMES stated that she would look at the changes proposed for HB 80. Number 693 Indisc. Number 701 RICK ELLIOT spoke on teleconference from Anchorage to say that he was open to questions or comments concerning HB 80. Number 000 CO-CHAIR IVAN also invited comments and then recognized Pat Kalen in Fairbanks and asked him to give his testimony. Number 014 PATRICK KALEN stated that he commended Representative James for her work with HB 80. He mentioned some concerns that he had regarding this bill including subdivisions and existing write-ups. He also was concerned over the attempts by the Department of Transportation to request that they be exempted from certain taxes. He has worked and followed this bill since it was a Senate Bill in the 17th Legislature. Number 130 CO-CHAIR IVAN introduced Ron Swanson on teleconference from Anchorage. Number 135 RON SWANSON, made several comments regarding HB 80. Number 189 CO-CHAIR IVAN recognized Representative Mackie. Number 191 REPRESENTATIVE MACKIE asked Mr. Swanson a question regarding plats. Number 211 MR. SWANSON answered the question concerning plats. Number 227 REPRESENTATIVE MACKIE wanted to know if everyone had been looking at this realistically and at the present ability to be able to handle this platting situation. Number 239 MR. SWANSON stated that it was not his intent to lower the number of surveyors in the state of Alaska. Number 249 REPRESENTATIVE JAMES stated that she was still concerned over Section 4. Number 263 REPRESENTATIVE MACKIE questioned the program receipts. Number 291 REPRESENTATIVE JAMES asked if they were going to continue as it were. Number 304 CO-CHAIR IVAN put forth his own comments on the issue. Number 319-340, Indisc. Number 342 MO AO MENZIES testified in support of HB 80. Number 392 CO-CHAIR IVAN invited question and comments from anyone. Number 394 REPRESENTATIVE MACKIE had a question to which Mr. Menzies answered. Number 406 CO-CHAIR IVAN again welcomed any comments or questions. Number 409 REPRESENTATIVE VEZEY posed a question concerning unorganized boroughs. Number 416 MR. MENZIES stated that it was not all on a rectangular system. Number 425 REPRESENTATIVE VEZEY inquired about the Department of Transportation and the disregard for existing monuments. Number 431 MR. MENZIES asked that the monumentations be completed. Number 445 REPRESENTATIVE VEZEY expressed his appreciation for having his questions answered. Number 447 CO-CHAIR IVAN wanted to know if there was anyone else wishing to testify on HB 80. Number 454 REPRESENTATIVE MACKIE suggested that the bill be held for two days to be reviewed more extensively and then be brought back before the committee meeting on Thursday. He stated that he did support the bill, but that he felt certain areas needed working on. Number 464 CO-CHAIR IVAN asked Representative James to work on the bill with Tom, the C&RA committee aide and agreed to having the bill brought before the committee again. Number 473 REPRESENTATIVE JAMES stated that she wished the copies of the changes be given to Ron Swanson in Anchorage.