HB 209: COMMUNITY HEALTH AIDE GRANTS Number 312 MYRA MUNSON, LOBBYIST, ALASKA NATIVE HEALTH BOARD, testified in support of HB 209 saying, "The Community Health Aide Training Program is a grant program supported by the state to assist in a federal effort that supports over 400 health aides throughout the rural villages of Alaska, providing health care to the residents of the most remote and rural communities of Alaska. All the salaries of those employees are paid for by federal funds. The Alaska contribution to sustaining that part of our health care system has been to provide some training funds through a grant program that was established in 1985." MS. MUNSON continued, "In order to control the budget of that program without anticipating the way things could change over time, that grant program was established so that the only eligible grantees were those corporations and communities which were currently receiving federal funds and currently employing health aides. That worked fine until last year (1992) when in one region...Eastern Aleutian Tribes formed and began receiving the federal funds to provide the health aides. When they came to the state to apply for the grant for training they were told, 'Sorry, you are not eligible because you did not exist in 1985'." MS. MUNSON continued further, "That was fixed for the first year by an agreement of subcontracts between the two organizations, but it had the effect of changing the amount of funding that was available within the organization. We worked with the Department of Health and Social Services to try to come up with a minimal solution to that problem and that is the bill that was introduced here (HB 209), that provides a very technical change that says any organization which is receiving the federal funds to provide Community Health Aide Service can receive a grant, but we left in place the limit on the size of that grant based on the number of health aides that were employed in 1985. It simply says, they had to be employed by some regional organization, not necessarily the same organization, and it reflects the tendency to form smaller organizations that can provide better services in a local area." MS. MUNSON concluded, "This bill (HB 209) is a very technical solution to one of those glitches that develops as time goes by..." She then addressed the zero fiscal note. Number 381 REPRESENTATIVE CYNTHIA TOOHEY said, "I support this bill (HB 209). When Myra first came to me, there was some feeling that this would create a large fiscal note...that apparently has been straightened out. It does show that there is no fiscal note with it..." She then asked, "Does this allow other communities to tighten up if they had aides in place?" MS. MUNSON said, "This bill (HB 209) will allow new programs to come into existence and receive the funding. The protection against diminishing the level of funding for any program too much is that, only programs which can receive the base funding, if the total were appropriated of $30,000, (but) no one has ever gotten that full amount, is if they had three health aides in 1985..." Number 416 DEBORAH ERICKSON, HEALTH PROGRAM SPECIALIST II, DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICES, testified in support of HB 209. "The department feels that under self-determination these communities have the right to choose who is going to be providing the services for them, if they are going to provide the services for themselves. Under the current statute it is not equitable in that if a community, if a village decides to change the organization that was providing services to them, under the Community Health Aide Program in 1984, they would no longer be eligible for state funds..." Number 436 REPRESENTATIVE DAVIES asked why HB 209, introduced by the HESS Committee, will be referred to the HESS Committee. MS. MUNSON said, "I was out of town. The bill (HB 209) went to the speaker's office for referral and the speaker's staff recognized that if the bill went into effect and the legislature was to appropriate at the one hundred percent appropriation level, which as I have indicated has never occurred, there could be a possible fiscal impact..." REPRESENTATIVE TOOHEY concurred, "We were not able to get a hold of her to reassure the speaker's chamber that it was as face value. So that is why the delay and long list of referrals..." Number 483 REPRESENTATIVE TOOHEY then MOVED that HB 209 be PASSED out of committee with individual recommendations. There were no objections, and the MOTION CARRIED. Number 492