CSSJR 33(RES) - SUPPORT AMERICAN FISHERIES ACT Number 0010 CHAIRMAN AUSTERMAN announced the first order of business to be CSSJR 33(RES), Supporting reduction of fishing capacity in the Bering Sea fishing fleet and Americanization of the fishing fleet through passage of S. 1221, the "American Fisheries Act," by the United States Congress. He asked Senator Mackie to present the bill. Number 0033 SENATOR JERRY MACKIE stated that committee has already moved the House companion resolution, so he would just highlight the changes present in the Senate version. He stated that there were several changes in CSSJR 33(RES), the first is in the title, as it adds support for Bering Sea fishing fleet reduction and for Americanization of the fleet. He read the following into the record: "The second is in the first three whereas clauses of CSSJR 33(RES), are new which express the following: (a) That there is an overcapitalization of fishing harvest capacity in the Bering Sea and that this typically can result in excessive exploitation, and (b) the state values sustainable fishery management principles which minimize damage to the fishery resources and habitat while maximizing the economic benefits of these resources for Alaska communities and U.S. citizens. Change number 3. The first two whereas clauses on page 2 of the Senate version compare to the two clauses on page 1, line 12 to page 2, line 3 of HJR 48. In the senate version, the references to tonnage, length and horsepower limits are not specified so that was taken out in this version. The fourth change, the senate clause beginning on page 2, line 6 is the same as the House clause beginning on page 1, line 6. The Senate version eliminates the House clause following page 1, lines 9-11 as redundant. Number 5. The two Senate clauses on page 2, lines 9 to 14 compare to the House clauses on page 2, lines 4 to 9 where, again, specific references to tonnage, length, horsepower, and numbers of vessels are eliminated. Number 6. The final whereas clause of the Senate version consolidates the last three whereas clauses in the House version into a simple statement promoting Americanization of fisheries. And lastly, the Senate resolved clause beginning on page 2, line 17 more specifically states that the legislature's support is for the provisions of S.1221 that reduce fishing capacity in the Bering Sea and promote Americanization of the fleet. The House resolved clause on page 2, line 19 simply supports the legislation." He stated that those who had concerns with the original bill should feel more comfortable with this version. Number 0088 REPRESENTATIVE IVAN IVAN referred to the six Community Development Quota (CDQ) groups in Western Alaska from Nome to the Aleutian and the Pribilof Islands. He asked if this in any way would harm the CDQ group's efforts to partner with processors in the Bering Sea. Number 0095 SENATOR MACKIE responded that there was only one CDQ group that was brought to his attention that this would have an affect on and it is one that has a partnership with American Seafoods but as far as the Norton Sound Economic Development CDQ group they own 49 percent of the partnership and it does not affect them at all. Number 0115 REPRESENTATIVE MARK HODGINS made a motion to move CSSJR 33(RES) with individual recommendations and attached fiscal note. Number 0120 REPRESENTATIVE SCOTT OGAN objected to the motion. Number 0127 CHAIRMAN AUSTERMAN asked for a roll call vote. Representatives Hodgins, Kubina, Ivan and Austerman voted in favor of CSSJR 33(RES). Representative Ogan voted against CSSJR 33(RES). Chairman Austerman announced CSSJR 33(RES) moved out of the House Special Committee on Fisheries.