SJR 23-SUPPORTING NAMING MTN AFTER GAIL PHILLIPS  3:38:36 PM VICE CHAIR MICCICHE announced the consideration of SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 23 Expressing the support of the Alaska State Legislature for naming the mountain between Cedar Ridge and Hope Peak south of Anchorage after Gail Phillips. 3:38:57 PM SENATOR DONNY OLSON, Alaska State Legislator, Juneau, Alaska, sponsor of SJR 23, read the following sponsor statement: [Original punctuation provided.] Born in Juneau and raised in Nome, the late Speaker of the House, Gail Phillips, was an Alaskan at heart. She left an impression on the political minds and philanthropic hearts of Alaskans. In her lifetime, she spent years working for local airlines, teaching, serving on the board of Iditarod Trail Race Committee, owned a sporting goods shop, lead the Homer Chamber of Commerce, was elected to Homer's City Council, served on the board of the Kenai Peninsula Borough Assembly, mined for gold on the Seward Peninsula and, of course, served in the Alaska House of Representatives. She brought together urban republicans and rural democrats to form a coalition that she led as Speaker of the House for two consecutive terms. Following her political career, Gail worked as executive director of the Exxon-Valdez Oil Spill Trustees, and upon retirement she mentored future politicians and consulted for natural resource development in Alaska. Upon her death, she was actively serving on the boards of the Iditarod Trail Race Foundation and the Alaska Aviation Museum. She was involved in her church, Anchor Park United Methodist and all her grandsons' activities. She was a daughter, sister, wife, mother, aunt and grandmother. Her leadership was not limited to politics alone, her entire family benefitted from her guidance that she learned at the knee of Alaska State Territorial Representative, L.E. Ost, her grandfather. Mountains are stable, strong and brave, Gail Phillips lived her life with these defining attributes. Her family and I are now advocating for one of her favorite mountains on the Kenai Peninsula to be named in her honor. 3:41:45 PM SENATOR STEVENS commented that it is a deserving honor to name a peak in honor Gail Phillips. SENATOR OLSON agreed and noted that he was beyond impressed when he was invited to clean up time at the gold mining facility where she worked. 3:42:35 PM VICE CHAIR MICCICHE commented on her distinguished life and said he learned from the Phillips family about the importance of naming this peak in her honor. SENATOR STEVENS asked what the process is to name a mountain. SENATOR OLSON deferred the question to Ms. Hahn. 3:44:10 PM BRIX HAHN, Staff, Senator Donny Olson, Anchorage, Alaska, relayed that it is necessary to wait five years after the death for the mountain to be named and appear on federal maps. Legislative Legal Services advised the sponsor to write a resolution as opposed to legislation to support the idea of naming the peak more quickly. SENATOR STEVENS asked if a geographic agency has to approve the naming. MS. HAHN answered yes and she would follow up in writing with the name of the agency. 3:45:00 PM SENATOR KIEHL asked whether the peak currently had a name or if it was unnamed. MS. HAHN answered that it is unnamed. SENATOR KIEHL asked whether there was a traditional Athabascan place name for the peak. MS. BRUNE answered that she didn't know but would find out and follow up in writing. SENATOR KIEHL expressed interest in getting that information at some point in the process. 3:46:09 PM SENATOR KAWASAKI conveyed that the U.S. Board of Geographic Names was the federal agency in charge of geographic names. He explained that once the board completes its process a member of Congress sponsors the legislative process to officially name the peak or other location and then the name can appear on federal maps. If any person of Congress opposes the name change, the process is held up. He noted that this is what delayed the name change from Mt. McKinley to Denali. 3:47:32 PM VICE CHAIR MICCICHE opened public testimony on SJR 23. 3:47:56 PM KERIANN BAKER, Director of Member Relations, Homer Electric Association, Homer, Alaska, said she didn't know of a mountain that could do Gail Phillips justice. She was a dynamic personality who was very supportive of her community. She is missed. 3:48:59 PM KATHRYN DEBARDELABEN, Representing Self, and STEVEN DEBARDELABEN, representing self, Soldotna, Alaska, shared delivery of the following testimony in support of SJR 23: We ask committee members to support SJR 23 because: • Gail is a friend of our family, and has been since before we were born. We consider her a part of this family. • She always included all the kids in conversations and listened to our ideas and our opinions. • We learned from Gail that we all have an opportunity to participate in government and the legislature. • Gail loved Alaska. You could tell by the stories she told, the stuff in her house, and how proud she was of Alaska's history. • We brought a picture of us with Gail's mountain. Thank you for listening and we encourage for you to vote for this mountain to be named after our friend Gail Phillips. 3:50:21 PM At ease. 3:50:50 PM VICE CHAIR MICCICHE reconvened the meeting. 3:50:59 PM KATHRYN THOMAS, Representing Self, Kasilof, Alaska, stated that her testimony would share Gail Phillips' obvious love of Alaska and her desire to see opportunities for Alaska. She said she worked on Gail Phillips' campaign for state House and quickly realized that people found Gail friendly and approachable. She also came to admire Gail's work ethic, drive, tenacity, and her ability to bring people together. People throughout the state looked at her as an old and close friend because she supported their visions and endeavors. MS. THOMAS highlighted that when Gail was elected Alaska was facing major budget issues. Companies were canceling major prospects and declining to fund existing projects. In an effort to sustain the economy, Alaska business organizations banded together with an "Open for Business" campaign and motto. Gail Phillips was their friend in Juneau. Her office was accessible, she helped to find middle ground on major legislation, and she facilitated meetings between businesses and regulators. She traveled with the organization and added credibility to their efforts to make changes to encourage development and investment in Alaska. She highlighted that during her tenure in the House, Alaska businesses were able to pass tort reform legislation and devote a windfall tax settlement to establish a budget reserve account. MS. THOMAS said Gail's vision for Alaska came down to roads and education. She understood how far it is from Nome to Juneau, the wealth of natural resources in those miles, and the potential for local jobs in the development of the resource. She saw the need for roads and airports to provide access, reduce the cost of living, and allow generations to continue to live on their home ground. Gail understood that the vast miles from Nome to Juneau held diverse cultures, people, and villages that were leaving a subsistence lifestyle in one generation and learning to manage a board room and billion dollar contracts. She was acutely aware of the need for education so Alaskans could guide their own future. MS. THOMAS said Gail believed in the people of Alaska, their can-do spirit to protect the state's environment, develop its resources, and hold themselves and others accountable. She never hesitated to share this view with outside interests who criticized Alaskans and tried to limit their growth. MS THOMAS concluded saying that if Alaska had an official designation for a state cheerleader, Gail Phillips would meet the criteria. She urged the committee to pass SJR 23 because naming this mountain in her honor was a beautiful recognition of her dedication to Alaskans and to her beloved state of Alaska. 3:55:39 PM ROBIN PHILLIPS, representing the family of Gail Phillips, Anchorage, Alaska, thanked the committee for its time in considering the resolution and expressed hope that it would be forwarded. Responding to an earlier question, she said she believes the peak currently is unnamed, but the family will help the sponsor look into that further. MS. PHILLIPS said her mother played a large role in the family and was a striking person wherever she went, much like the mountains in Alaska. She expressed appreciation for the previous testimony and hope that committee would support the resolution. 3:57:30 PM VICE CHAIR MICCICHE closed public testimony on SJR 23. SENATOR STEVENS asked if a sign could be posted on the mountain once the resolution passes, or if a legal or federal process like Senator Kawasaki described was also required. VICE CHAIR MICCICHE relayed his understanding that the resolution simply states the legislature's support for renaming the mountain. He agreed that it would be helpful to know the next steps. 3:58:24 PM SENATOR OLSON emphasized that to the best of his knowledge the mountain did not have a name, which means the process is a little different than the renaming process Senator Kawasaki described. SENATOR STEVENS said his point was that it would be nice if the name appeared on federal maps and it would be nice to know what the process is to do that. 3:58:55 PM MS. HAHN restated her understanding that it would be necessary to wait five years before the name would appear on federal maps. 3:59:16 PM VICE CHAIR MICCICHE looked to the will of the committee. 3:59:24 PM At ease. 3:59:48 PM VICE CHAIR MICCICHE reconvened the meeting. 3:59:53 PM SENATOR STEVENS moved to report SJR 23, work order 32-LS 32- LS1433\B, from committee with individual recommendations and attached fiscal note(s). 4:00:08 PM SENATOR MICCICHE found no objection and SJR 23 was reported from the Senate Resources Standing Committee.