SENATE BILL NO. 265 "An Act relating to drivers' licenses and identification cards issued to sex offenders and child kidnappers." Co-Chair Hoffman MOVED to ADOPT a committee substitute for SB 265, work draft 25-LS1449\K. Co-Chair Stedman OBJECTED for discussion purposes. 9:13:32 AM TREVOR FULTON, STAFF, SENATOR LESIL MCGUIRE, presented an overview of the bill. He explained that the bill combines the resources of the Sex Offenders Registry with the database of the Alaska Permanent Fund Division in order to get out-of-compliance sex offenders to register. Mr. Fulton observed that there is a ten to eleven percent non- compliance rate within the Sex Offender Registry. The aim of the bill is to withhold the Permanent Fund Dividend for those non-compliant sex offenders. He asserted that the Committee Substitute adds Sections 2-8, which allow the private sector process servers, licensed by the Commissioner of Public Safety, to submit their writs to the Permanent Fund Dividend Division electronically. Mr. Fulton explained that the writs are court orders to pay Permanent Fund Dividend checks to the applicant's debtors. He pointed out that the division processes over 35,000 of these writs annually, each one submitted in person and processed manually, adding a significant workload to Permanent Fund personnel. Mr. Fulton proposed that the added section would alleviate some of the workload and expedite the entire process, allowing private sector process servers to use the electronic option to decrease the workload for division personnel. Co-Chair Stedman WITHDREW his OBJECTION. There being NO OBJECTION, work draft 25-LS1499/K was adopted. Senator Elton requested further clarification of the fiscal notes. 9:18:41 AM PEGGY BROWN, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, ALASKA NETWORK ON DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AND SEXUAL ASSAULT, testified on behalf of the bill and asserted that the network, which represents nineteen-member programs throughout the state, approved this bill. Ms. Brown elaborated that sex offender laws have toughened in Alaska and SB 265 tries to firm compliance issues regarding sex offenders. She reported that SB 265 would be beneficial to the state in more efficiently trading information in the Sex Offender Registry, the Department of Public Safety and the Permanent Fund Dividend Division. Co-Chair Stedman mentioned the Department of Public Safety fiscal note for $38,000. SB 265 was HEARD and HELD in Committee for further consideration. 9:21:53 AM