SB 235-EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT ASSISTANCE COMPACT CHAIR KOTT announced that the next order of business would be CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 235(STA), "An Act relating to emergency and disaster relief forces as state employees for purposes of workers' compensation benefits; relating to the Emergency Management Assistance Compact and the implementation of the compact; and providing for an effective date." Number 0469 CAROL CARROLL, Director, Administrative Services Division, Department of Military & Veterans' Affairs (DMVA), presented CSSB 235(STA) on behalf of the administration, the sponsor of SB 235. She explained that SB 235 allows Alaska to join the Emergency Management Assistance Compact, which is a compact that allows states to send resources [between each other] and to be reimbursed for the use of those resources. Therefore, if Alaska joined the compact and didn't have the resources to respond to a disaster, Alaska could call another state that would send resources. This legislation also clarifies that those volunteers working for the state under DMVA are covered by the state's workers' compensation. However, she specified that those volunteers must be on an active roster working for emergency services. Ms. Carroll informed the committee, "Indications are that the first responder money, the $3.5 billion, coming from the feds may certainly be attached to members ... of an assistance compact." Therefore, this compact might be one which states are required to be a member of before the first responder money could be received. CHAIR KOTT, in response to Representative Berkowitz, explained that SB 235 was referred to the House Rules Standing Committee in order to meet the standing committee hearing [requirement]. There being no one else who wished to testify, Chair Kott announced that public testimony was closed. Number 0591 REPRESENTATIVE McGUIRE moved to report CSSB 235(STA) out of committee with individual recommendations and the accompanying fiscal notes. There being no objection, CSSB 235(STA) was reported from the House Rules Standing Committee.