SB 211-PERS CREDIT FOR MILITARY SERVICE  2:13:32 PM CHAIR EGAN announced consideration of SB 211. [The committee was discussing CSSB 211( ), version 27-LS1398\M]. 2:13:40 PM MIKE PAWLOWSKI, staff to Senator Lesil McGuire, sponsor of SB 211, noted a fiscal note based for the committee substitute (CS). He said the purpose of SB 211 is to provide an opportunity for peace officers or fire fighters to purchase up to five years of previous military service and allow that purchase to be credited towards their qualification for medical care within the existing statute. He said that if the employee asks for this benefit, they would pay the cost to the state for providing it. 2:15:03 PM SENATOR PASKVAN moved to report CSSB 211( ), version 270LS0647\M, from committee to the next committee of referral with individual recommendations and attached fiscal note(s). There were no objections, and it was so ordered.