SB 137-REFINED FUEL SURCHARGE  4:03:11 PM CO-CHAIR BISHOP announced the consideration of SENATE BILL NO. 137 "An Act relating to the refined fuel surcharge; and providing for an effective date." He noted that there was an amendment for the committee to consider. 4:03:26 PM CO-CHAIR GIESSEL moved to adopt Amendment 1, work order 33- LS0768\B.2, for SB 137. 33-LS0768\B.2 Dunmire 4/26/23 AMENDMENT 1 OFFERED IN THE SENATE BY SENATOR BISHOP TO: SB 137 Page 1, line 3: Delete "AS 43.40.005(a)" Insert "AS 43.40.005" Page 1, following line 5: Insert a new subsection to read: "(b) The following refined fuels are exempt from the surcharge imposed under this section: (1) fuel sold to a federal or state government agency for official use; (2) fuel consigned to a foreign  country [REFINED AND USED OUTSIDE THE UNITED STATES]; (3) liquefied petroleum gas; (4) aviation fuel; (5) fuel sold or transferred between qualified dealers." CO-CHAIR BISHOP objected for purposes of discussion. CO-CHAIR GIESSEL explained the genesis for Amendment 1. A US flagged tug and barge company transports fuel to Skagway where it is loaded onto a truck that is owned and operated by a US firm and trucked to the Yukon Territory. The amendment proposes exempting that company from paying the refined fuel surcharge because the fuel is not used in the US. 4:04:22 PM CO-CHAIR BISHOP removed his objection. He noted that Brandon Spanos was available to answer questions. CO-CHAIR GIESSEL asked Mr. Spanos to articulate the potential financial impact of the amendment. 4:04:57 PM BRANDON SPANOS, Deputy Director, Tax Division, Department of Revenue, Anchorage, Alaska, stated that he was unable to answer the question because too few taxpayers are affected to be able to aggregate the information. The only available information was confidential. 4:05:31 PM SENATOR DUNBAR asked if that means that the fiscal note that the Finance Committee considers won't reflect the impact of the proposed amendment. MR. SPANOS responded that the division will amend the fiscal note if the amendment passes. It will state that there will be a negative impact on revenue but the amount is indeterminate due to taxpayer confidentiality. CO-CHAIR BISHOP said the members will see the fiscal note before the bill leaves the committee. 4:06:15 PM SENATOR WIELECHOWSKI asked at what level the tax is paid. MR. SPANOS replied that the tax is assessed on the distributor when the fuel is sold to the retailer. 4:06:47 PM CO-CHAIR BISHOP found no further objection and Amendment 1 was adopted. 4:06:56 PM CO-CHAIR BISHOP held SB 137 in committee.