SB 39 HAZARDOUS CHEMICALS, MATERIALS, AND WASTE  SENATOR PARNELL moved to adopt the draft committee substitute for SB 39 (0-LS0214\B) as CSSB 39(JUD). There being no objection, the motion carried. ANNETTE KREITZER, staff to Senator Leman, sponsor of SB 39, explained four technical changes made in the committee substitute. In response to two concerns raised during the previous hearing, she clarified the purpose of SB 39 is to ensure that businesses required to report hazardous substances, chemicals and waste can do so as simply as possible. The requirement to report consumer commodities of a hzardous material in a quantity of more than 1,000 pounds was aimed at large stores such as K-Mart and COSTCO. Local fire departments know what materials are in those stores, therefore an additional placard is unnecessary. The definition of "hazardous chemical" on page 4 lines 16-17, is taken from the OSHA definition (29 C.F.R. 1910.1200(c). The exceptions, listed on lines 18-30, are derived from 40 C.F.R. 370.2 (Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act). SB 39 makes no changes to existing federal law, it further codifies it. SENATOR PARNELL asked Ms. Kreitzer to respond to the concern about the compressed gas requirement that was raised during the previous hearing. MS. KREITZER explained this issue was discussed in the Senate Resources Committee at length last session. SB 39 removes two provisions from statute that are not required by federal law. Those provisions read: Page 4, lines 15-16: (2) [A CONSUMER COMMODITY OF A HAZARDOUS MATERIAL IN A QUANTITY OF MORE THAN 1,000 POUNDS] and lines 24-25: (7) [COMPRESSED GASSES EQUAL TO OR MORE THAN 200 CUBIC FEET AT STANDARD TEMPERATURE AND PRESSURE]. She noted the goal of SB 39 is to require one reporting form that will satisfy the reporting requirements for the Municipality of Anchorage, the Emergency Response Commission, and the federal requirements for MSDS sheets. SENATOR PARNELL asked if the reporting requirement for compressed gasses is still mandated by the Municipality of Anchorage. MS. KREITZER stated it is, and added this discussion began with SB 33, which was enacted several years ago. The discussions have been ongoing, with the goal of streamlining reporting requirements so that an electronic format can be used. There being no further testimony or discussion, SENATOR MILLER moved CSSB 39(JUD) out of committee with individual recommendations. There being no objection to the motion, it was so ordered.