HJR 5-OPPOSE GENETICALLY ENGINEERED SALMON  3:32:43 PM CHAIR GIESSEL announced HJR 5 to be up for consideration. [CSHJR 5(FSH) was before the committee.] 3:32:48 PM JERRY MCCUNE, lobbyist, Cordova District Fishermen United, Cordova, Alaska, supported HJR 5. They are totally against genetically modified fish and want it labeled if it's approved. 3:34:13 PM HEATH HILLYARD, Southeast Alaska Guides Organization (SEAGO), Sitka, Alaska, supported HJR 5. 3:35:10 PM SENATOR DYSON moved to report HJR 5 from committee with attached fiscal notes and individual recommendations. CHAIR GIESSEL announced that, without objection, CSHJR 5(FSH) passed from the Senate Resources Standing Committee. SENATOR MICCICHE remarked that he had never heard a single statement in support of genetically engineered salmon.