HB 360 - SET NET SITES/SHORE FISHERIES DEVELOPMT CO-CHAIRMAN HARRIS announced the first and only order of business as House Bill 360, "An Act relating to registration for commercial set gillnet fishing sites; relating to leases for shore fisheries development; and providing for an effective date." There is a proposed committee substitute. Number 0074 REPRESENTATIVE HAL SMALLEY made a motion to adopt the proposed committee substitute for HB 360, version 1-GH2006\D, Utermohle, 4/3/00, as a work draft. There being no objection, it was so ordered. Number 0130 REPRESENTATIVE BILL HUDSON made a motion to move CSHB 360(FSH), version 1-GH2006\D, Utermohle, 4/3/00, out of committee with individual recommendations and attached zero fiscal note; he asked unanimous consent. There being no objection, CSHB 360(FSH) so moved from the House Special Committee on Fisheries.