3:13:18 PM CHAIR PRAX announced that the next order of business would be hb 344 3:13:52 PM }EMILY RICCI* Deputy Commissioner, Department of Health* City & State* { re Medicaid reform bill allow 1115 demonstration. how can the needs be taken care of within the medicaid. community acute. authority to id and work towards 3:15:37 PM REPRESENTATIVE MINA question about the housing and .. 1115 assists with stable housing ? RICCI - working with national groups to see what we can benefit from that REPRESENTATIVE MINA curious abuot opportunity. Individuals who have worked with re-entry. How does it work for waiver & CMS. RICCI the 1115 is a tool. the existing language in the bill is meant to address the re-entry issue. caveat. may have statutory authority, but budgetary comes from legis REPRESENTATIVE MINA to clarify: what is the difference between re-entry provision and the 3:19:54 PM CHAIR PRAX when might we expect to see the application RICCI first need contractor for the waiver and technical requirements with the feds. anticipate much community and tribal discussion. must be developed with stakeholders CHAIR PRAX will we see funding request next year? RICCI unknown REPRESENTATIVE RUFFRIDGE move HB 344 with recs etc and amends CHAIR PRAX moves from committee