HB 319-DENTISTS & DENTAL ASSISTANTS  CHAIR DAVIS announced consideration of CSHB 319. [Before the committee was CSHB 319(L&C).] She noted the proposed Senate committee substitute that combines the hygienist and dental assistant bills. SENATOR COWDERY moved to adopt the proposed Senate committee substitute for committee substitute for HB 319 as the working document of the committee. There being no objection, the motion carried. CHAIR DAVIS asked Ms. Krueger if she had had an opportunity to look at the committee substitute. PATTY KRUEGER, Staff to Representative Ramras, said she had looked at the SCS and everything looked excellent. 1:33:55 PM SENATOR COWDERY moved to report the Senate committee substitute for CSHB 319(HES) from committee with individual recommendations and accompanying fiscal note(s). There being no objection, SCS CSHB 319(HES) moved from committee.